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Service Instructions

Backflow prevention assemblies must be drained for the winter 

in areas where freezing temperatures may occur. If water inside 

the assembly should freeze, damage to the assembly and the 

system may occur. Proper draining procedures, insulation from 

freezing using heat tape, and heated protective enclosures are all 

methods of freeze protection.
In order to drain an assembly to prevent freezing, several import-

ant points must be remembered:
1   The assembly can not be adequately drained through the 

testcocks. For proper draining follow the instructions detailed 

in the drain procedures section.

2.   Drain valves must be added on the inlet side and outlet side 

of the assembly below the assembly (preferably below the 

freeze line if the remainder of the system is to be drained).

3.   Compressed air of adequate volume may be used to “blow-

out” the system after the backflow preventer is drained.

4.   After removing water from the system and assembly, the 

assembly shut-off valves, drain valves and testcocks should 

remain in a half open / half closed (45o degree) position to 

allow for full drainage of the ball valve shutoffs. If the assem-

bly is installed with ball valve shut-offs, see draining proce-

dure for ball valves on the reverse side of this sheet. The 

main shut-off to the system must remain closed during the 

winter period.

Draining Procedure

To drain the backflow prevention assembly for protection against 

freezing, use the following procedures:
1.   Turn off the main shut-off valve (A) which provides water to 

the system.

2.   Open all inlet and outlet drain valves on the system (B and E). 


For any indoor drain valves, ensure that any water draining from 

the system is collected to avoid water damage. Open inlet and 

outlet shut-off valves on backflow prevention assembly (C and D) 

and all testcocks. After fully draining system, leave in half open / 

half closed (45o degree) position to allow for full drainage of ball 

valve shutoffs. (See the ball valve freeze protection instructions 

for more details.)
3.   Should you “blowout” the piping system downstream of the 

backflow prevention assembly, make sure the outlet drain 

valve (E) is open and the backflow prevention outlet shut-off 

valve (D) is closed.

4.   Connect an air line to the outlet drain valve (E) and introduce 

air of adequate volume to clear downstream system of water.



 Open outlet shut-off valves to the backflow 

preventer assembly (C and D) to a half open/half closed (45° 

degree) position after “blowout” procedure is complete.

6.   Leave all drain valves (B and E), testcocks and ball or gate 

valves to backflow preventer (C and D) in a hall open / half 

closed position for the winter to prevent freezing.


When finished, make sure main shut-off valve (A) remains closed 

to prevent accidental refilling of the system. AIso, the main shut-

off valve should be resilient seated to prevent see page of water 

into the system.


Drain Valve


Main Shut-Off 


Inlet Drain 


Valve Pit


Instructions for Installing  

Model 765

Pressure Vacuum Breaker Draining  

Procedure for Freeze Protection




Read this Manual BEFORE using this equipment.
Failure to read and follow all safety and use information 

can result in death, serious personal injury, property 

damage, or damage to the equipment.
Keep this Manual for future reference.

Local building or plumbing codes may require modifica-

tions to the information provided.  You are required to  

consult the local building and plumbing codes prior 

to installation.  If the information provided here is not 

consistent with local building or plumbing codes, the 

local codes should be followed.  This product must be 

installed by a licensed contractor in accordance with 

local codes and ordinances.


