G - Saddle and handlebar horizontal and vertical set up
The saddle and handlebars can be moved horizontally and
vertically using the adjustment levers.
NOTE – The adjustment levers on the Wattbike are of a
ratchet type, to move the lever pull the lever outwards
placing your fingers away from the Wattbike.
There are two adjustment levers on the frame of the Wattbike
to set the height of the saddle and handlebar stems, and two
adjustment levers to set the horizontal position of the saddle and
The saddle height range is 59 cm to 84 cm.
The handlebar height range is 55 cm to 74 cm.
NOTE – Do not extend the saddle or handlebar height
above the minimum marking.
The horizontal saddle and handlebar adjustment has a range of 6
cm for both. Measure from the back of the saddle block for saddle
adjustment, and the front of the handlebar block for handlebar