Users Manual
MC100 DeviceNet OM 1.01 EN.doc
Version: 1.01
Page 15 of 36
6.2 Configuring the DeviceNet network
The description is on how to configure the MC100 for DeviceNet using RSNetWorx is described in the
HMS document DeviceNet RSNetWorx 1 03.pdf
, the newest verison can be downloaded from
In section
Configuring the I/O size and Mapping
in the document please use the examples
below in stead for configuration:
Example 1: This will configure for MC100 with 1-2 pumps (Minimum configuration)
Example 2: This will configure for MC100 with 3-4 pumps
Always add 2 bytes when increasing from for example 4 to 5 pumps to keep the structure of always
increasing the cyclic bytes with min 2 bytes (see 7.1 Process Data Exchange (Cyclic data) below)