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FreshWater Salt System
System Features
Output Level
The system cleans the water throughout the day. The output level of 0-10 determines how
long the system runs each day. Observe your spa usage patterns and measure the chlorine
level to guide your output level. Keep your output level as low as possible to maintain 1-5
ppm chlorine. By setting output level to 0 the system will stop generating chlorine.
Output Level
0 System off
Normal use (recommended)
1 Vacation
High use
2-4 Low output
Maximum output (system runs continually)
Limited use or vacation
When the spa is not going to be in use, shock the spa with chlorine to 3-5 ppm while
running the automatic clean cycle. Clean or replace filter(s). Set the output level to 2.
The Boost feature sets the output level to 10 so that the system runs continuously for 24
hours, overriding the current output level setting. The system returns to its previous output
level once the Boost cycle is complete. Use the Boost function to gradually increase the
chlorine level before or after high spa usage. Spa can be used while in Boost mode.
Status Test
The status test shows you if the system is performing optimally. It reflects a number of
elements that can impact performance, including the salt level, cartridge status (clean/dirty),
and water temperature. The status updates automatically, or you can manually update the
status by activating the status test function on the FreshWater control panel.
Getting Started
Step 1 - Test Fill Water
Power must always be OFF when spa is empty.
Before filling your spa, take a sample of your fill water to your local dealer for testing to
determine if your water contains high levels of metals, phosphates, and/or calcium. If high
levels are detected, your dealer can recommend additional products to help bring your fill
water into balance. Starting with contaminated free balanced water, free of contaminants, is
key to the success of clean, long-lasting water with the FreshWater Salt System.
- It is important to test for phosphates in your fill water using the provided
phosphate test kit. Phosphates contribute to algae growth and will reduce the effectiveness
of your salt system, impacting chlorine generation. Phosphate levels should be below
300 bbp with a target of 150 bbp or less. Treat for phosphates before you begin the
start-up process, following instructions of the phosphate remover and cleaning your filters
thoroughly after treatment. See Treating for Phosphates on page 8.
- High metal content can impact the performance and start-up process of your
FreshWater Salt system. Iron and manganese should be below 0.5 ppm and copper should