A.1.1.2 Biohazard warning
The following warning applies to Waters instruments and devices that can process biologically
hazardous materials. Biologically hazardous materials are substances that contain biological
agents capable of producing harmful effects in humans.
To avoid infection from blood-borne pathogens, inactivated microorganisms,
and other biological materials, assume that all biological fluids that you handle are
Specific precautions appear in the latest edition of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories
Observe Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) at all times, particularly when
working with hazardous materials. Consult the Safety Data Sheets regarding the
solvents you use. Additionally, consult the safety representative for your organization
regarding its protocols for handling such materials.
A.1.1.3 Biohazard and chemical hazard warning
This warning applies to Waters instruments and devices that can process biohazards, corrosive
materials, or toxic materials.
To avoid personal contamination with biologically hazardous, toxic, or corrosive
materials, you must understand the hazards associated with their handling.
Guidelines prescribing the proper use and handling of such materials appear in the latest edition
of the National Research Council's publication,
Prudent Practices in the Laboratory: Handling and
Management of Chemical Hazards
Observe Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) at all times, particularly when working with hazardous
materials, and consult the safety representative for your organization regarding its protocols for
handling such materials.
A.2 Notices
Notice advisories appear where an instrument, device, or component can be subject to use or
misuse that can damage it or compromise a non-clinical sample’s integrity (warning symbols
accompany risks to clinical sample integrity). The exclamation point symbol and its associated
statement alert you to such risk.
To avoid damaging the case of the instrument or device, do not clean it with
abrasives or solvents.
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