• Save and Save As – Saves the current profile with the existing name or a new name,
• Open Manifold – Raises the manifold to the Current Consumable Height.
• Close Manifold – Lowers the manifold to seal on top of the consumable stack.
• Full Open Manifold – Raises the manifold to the uppermost position.
• Stop – Stops the time clock of the profile, but maintains the pressure at the then-current level.
Useful for extending the profile time scale by an indefinite amount.
• Run – Executes the current pressure profile on the screen.
• Back – Returns to the most recently opened screen. Text Mode
Opening the New/Edit Profile screen in Text Mode allows you to create new pressure profiles by
typing steps into a table format.
Figure 4–12: New/Edit Profile screen, Text Mode
Function details:
• Define Pressure Grade (High, Middle, Low) – Appears when you initiate any New/Edit Profile
mode, allowing you to select the pressure scale displayed on the
axis. Once you make a
pressure grade selection, the New/Edit Profile screen opens with the upper limit set to the
selected range.
Image "Define Pressure Grade dialog box, all modes" in section
• Add/Edit Step – Allows you to edit the Total Time period (up to 120 seconds), Air Pressure
Adjustment Time (in seconds), and Pressure Settings (up to a set range of 10, 25, or 40 psi)
for each step added or edited.
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