Robot User Manual
Part Number
Robot (includes waste base,
waste container, power supply, cables,
1x single pipette adaptor, 1x multi-
channel pipette adaptor) and
Robot Lifetime License
This paragraph describes the small number of steps that
should be followed in order to have your Robot
operational in less than 5 minutes.
The Robot is a laboratory benchtop robot able to
execute experiments according to protocols described by a
user through its software: OneLab.™
Robot is capable of handling a variety of laboratory
tools which are automatically used by the system. Examples
of such tools are:
Andrew Alliance electronic pipettes
Labware gripper
Liquid level detector
Laboratory conventional consumables required to execute
experiments are arranged into in a magnetic-based modular
system called Dominos. Using its camera, the
Robot can localize and identify the consumables present
in its working area. It stands on a base which has a dual
functionality, namely, avoiding involuntary movement of the
robot arm, and hosting the Optical Location Module (OLM)
with which it can measure the length of the pipettes and
tips. The right arm of the Robot, referred to as
the ‘tool stand’ can hold up to a maximum of 4 tools. Their
manipulation does not require any user intervention. Your
consumables should be placed in appropriate Dominos,
located within the Robot workspace, so that the
Robot can identify them. Depending on your
protocol, you can have 2 Dominos for a small experiment and
up to 11 Dominos, compatible with multi-channel pipettes,
for a more complex one. The Robot is made for
research and development, industrial laboratories and
routine work, with applications limited but not restricted to
life sciences, biotechnology, chemistry, clinical research and
For safe and correct use of the Robot, it is
recommended that both operating and service personnel
follow the instructions contained in this guide when
installing, using, cleaning, and maintaining this instrument.
If the instructions described in this manual are not carefully
followed, the Robot cannot function correctly and
the warranty will be null and void.
If the Robot is potentially biohazardous due to the
use of biohazardous substances, it should be prominently
marked with the following symbol:
At a minimum, a biohazard symbol should be placed near the
sampling area and visible during NORMAL USE.
Any part of the equipment that contains biohazardous waste
material which can be removed from the equipment during
NORMAL USE, or a biohazardous drain connection, should be
marked with an appropriate biohazard symbol.
Use of biohazardous and
radioactive substances
Advice to be aware and to be careful about!
These symbols point out a potential danger for
users and/or damage to the Robot if they
are not followed. When this symbol is visible, it is
mandatory to carefully read the User Manual before
taking any action or using the system.