F-1031, Section 2109.1
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Pressure Hazard. May result in personal injury.
Prior to connection or removal of hoses, caps or
other closures with pump intake or pump discharge
connections, relieve pressure by opening drains or
bleeder valves. Bleeder valves should also be used
while filling a hose connected to an intake with water.
Scalding Water Hazard. May result in serious burns.
When operating the pump, be sure to open at least
one discharge valve slightly to prevent the pump from
overheating. If the pump runs for a few minutes com-
pletely closed, it may heat the water enough to scald
someone when the valve is opened. Overheating can
damage the packing, seals and other pump parts. If
the apparatus builder has installed a by-pass system
or other provision designed to prevent overheating,
opening a discharge valve may be unnecessary.
Pumping from Draft
1. Prime the pump (see separate instructions sup-
plied with primer).
2. 2.Engage pump. If pump is equipped with a Water-
ous transmission (C10, C20, K, PA, T, Y), follow
transmission operation instructions.
3. 3.Open discharge valves, and accelerate engine to
obtain desired discharge pressure and capacity.
4. 4.Set relief valves or other pressure governing de-
vice to desired pressure.
After Pumping
NOTE: To get full capacity, quick prime and maintain
pump efficiency:
Position vehicle as near as possible to water sup-
Avoid humps and sharp bends in intake hose.
Make sure no part of hose is higher than pump
inlet. (Air pockets in intake hose may cause loss
of prime or erratic pump action, and may reduce
pump capacity.)
Make sure all intake connections are tight and dis-
charge valves are closed.
Immerse intake strainer at least two feet below
water surface to prevent pump from drawing air.
(Whirlpools forming above intake strainer indicate
that strainer is too close to surface of water.)
Make sure intake strainer is far enough from bot-
tom to prevent sand, gravel and other foreign mat-
ter from being drawn into the pump.
1. 1.Disengage pump. If pump is equipped with a Wa-
terous transmission (C10, C20, K, PA, T, Y), follow
transmission operation instructions.
2. 2.If pumping anything but clean water, remove all
intake and discharge caps, open all valves and
open all drains. Flush entire system with clean,
fresh water for several minutes to remove all traces
of impurities.
3. 3.If pump is kept full of water when not in use,
make sure water is clean and non-corrosive. Make
sure the pump is completely full or completely
drained (never partially full).
Freezing water hazard. May cause damage to the
If the pump is exposed to freezing temperatures,
drain all water from pump, lines and accessories.
1. 4.Close all drains and install intake and discharge
2. 5.If truck is equipped with a priming pump, operate
it until fluid is discharged from priming pump dis-
charge pipe. Also check fluid level in priming tank,
and refill if necessary.
Unexpected Truck Movement. May result in seri-
ous personal injury or death.
Failure to properly shift transmission in accordance to
the transmission operating instructions may result in
unexpected truck movement which may result in seri-
ous personal injury or death.
Pressure Hazard. May result in personal injury.
Prior to connection or removal of hoses, caps or
other closures with pump intake or pump discharge
connections, relieve pressure by opening drains or
bleeder valves. Bleeder valves should also be used
while filling a hose connected to an intake with water.