Connect yellow 1/4” tubing from purification
assembly to storage tank.
Route special red “SFC” tube from purification
assembly module (factory made connection) toward
faucet. Do not cut this special SFC tube. Its length is
important to maintain proper efficiency and perform-
Cut the standard green 1/4” tubing from faucet air
gap and connect to 1/4” coupling fitting on the end of
“SFC” tube.
M. Install Icemaker Hookup (optional)
The RO drinking water appliance can be
connected to any standard refrigerator icemaker or
icemaker/water dispenser. It should never be con-
nected to a commercial type bar icemaker.
Hooking up an icemaker involves connecting a
tee with shut off valve into the blue 3/8” faucet tubing
and routing tubing over to the refrigerator. Hooking up
to existing copper tubing is generally not recommended
unless it is less than 6 months old. If copper tubing
must be used, then installation open in-line carbon filter
at the refrigerator connection is recommended.
Before turning off the existing tap water sup-
ply to a refrigerator icemaker, always shut off the
icemaker first (usually by lifting the lever arm above
the bin to the uppermost position). The icemaker
should only be turned on again after the RO system
has been drained several times and the tank has a
full supply of water.
Contact the factory for the availability of spe-
cial icemaker hook-up kit.
IMPORTANT: Before any service is performed
on the RO system, always turn off icemaker
valve and the icemaker unit. Only turn on when
system is operating and tank is full.
N. Start Up The System
Double-check that all connections are secure.
Turn on feed water valve and check for leaks. If
any leaks are noted, turn off valve and correct
before proceeding. NOTE: If a leak occurs at
"Push In" plastic fitting refer to figure 6.
Turn on storage tank valve and open faucet until
a steady stream of water flows. Close faucet, wait
at least 5 minutes and carefully check for leaks.
Correct as necessary.
When the system is first turned on, water
may intermittently "spurt" from the air gap module.
This is perfectly normal and is caused by air trapped
in the system. This will usually disappear within a
short time.
O. Flush System of Preservative and Check
Lift faucet handle and allow tank to drain com-
pletely of sanitizing solution. Do not use this water.
When tank is empty, the faucet will steadily drip.
This is the rate water is processed by the RO sys-
With faucet handle in "up" position, measure the
rate of the steady drip from spout. Use a graduated
cylinder (in milliliters) and a watch with a second
hand to calculate approximate production in gallons
per day (milliliters per minute X 0.38 = gpd).
Proceed to check reject flow rate by disconnecting
tubing at drain connection and measure as per
above. The ratio should be a minimum of 2.5
(reject) to 1 (product).
Close faucet and reinspect system for leaks.
Instruct customer (or use special faucet tag sup-
plied) to wait at least 4 hours and drain tank again.
The water should be discarded as it may contain
some preservative/disinfectant solution.
System should be ready to use\as soon as the
tank refills. If any objectionable taste is noticed after
second tank draining, instruct customer to wait and
drain tank the following day. Only at this time
should an icemaker be turned on if one is connected
to the system.
If optional percent rejection monitor is used
and yellow light indicates service is required, several
tankfuls of water may have to be used to completely
flush excess TDS from the new carbon postfilter
before a green light will show.
P. Clean Up, Paperwork And Customer
Clean up the work thoroughly. This is important
in leaving a good final impression with the customer.
Affix any special decals or stickers. Fill out the
warranty card. Be sure to record the house pres-
sure and TDS for your service files.