User programming (Cont’d)
Start-up procedure
Control programming is now complete. Press the extra cycle button, and the control
will from the programming mode and resume normal operation.
Sanitization of unit:
After complete installation of unit, dilute 1/2 cup of unscented laundry
bleach in 3 gallons of water, and add to brine tank. Initiate a manual regeneration by
depressing the extra cycle button. Allow the unit to complete its cycle and advance to the
“Service” position. The unit is now sanitized and ready for operation.
3. Adjust Regeneration Time:
Press the Extra Cycle button. This setting determines the
time of day that the unit will enter the regeneration cycle. The most common / default set-
ting is 2:00 AM.
4. Set Water Hardness:
Press the Extra Cycle button. Set the hardness of the incoming wa-
ter. For each PPM of iron, add 4 GPG to this setting. This will determine the amount of wa-
ter conditioned between regeneration cycles.
5. Set Fixed Reserve Capacity :
Press the Extra Cycle button. Set the Fixed reserve capac-
ity for the household. This is the amount of water needed in reserve to reach the delayed
regeneration time. Standard setting is 50 gallons per person in the household.