Copyright and Patent Information
Copyright© 1998 - 2008 WatchGuard Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
WatchGuard, the WatchGuard logo, LiveSecurity, and any other mark listed as a trademark in the
“Terms of Use” portion of the WatchGuard Web site that is used herein are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of WatchGuard Technologies, Inc. and/or it’s subsidiaries in the United
States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Printed in the United States of America.
Part Number: 275-2918-001
Revised: March
Notice to Users
Information in this guide is subject to change without notice. Companies, names, and data used in
examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted. No part of this guide may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the
express written permission of WatchGuard Technologies, Inc.
Limited Hardware Warranty
This Limited Hardware Warranty (the “Warranty”) applies to the enclosed hardware product, not
including any associated software which is licensed pursuant to a separate end-user license
agreement and warranty (the “Product”). BY USING THE PRODUCT, YOU (either an individual or a
single entity) AGREE TO THE TERMS HEREOF. If you do not agree to these terms, please return this
package, along with proof of purchase, to the authorized dealer from which you purchased it for a
full refund. WatchGuard Technologies, Inc. (“WatchGuard”) and you agree as set forth below or on
the reverse side of this card, as applicable:
1. LIMITED WARRANTY. WatchGuard warrants that upon delivery and for one (1) year thereafter
(the “Warranty Period”): (a) the Product will be free from material defects in materials and
workmanship, and (b) the Product, when properly installed and used for its intended purpose and
in its intended operating environment, will perform substantially in accordance with WatchGuard
applicable specifications.
This warranty does not apply to any Product that has been: (i) altered, repaired or modified by any
party other than WatchGuard except for the replacement or inclusion of specified components
authorized in and performed in strict accordance with documentation provided by WatchGuard;
or (ii) damaged or destroyed by accidents, power spikes or similar events or by any intentional,
reckless or negligent acts or omissions of any party. You may have additional warranties with
Complete copyright, trademark, patent, and licensing information can
be found in the User Guide. You can find this document online at: