D e t e c t i o n
D e t e c t i o n
AirWatch MK 1.2
User Manual
The specially developed monitoring software for the Wireless AirWatch, which you can find on www.WatchGas.eu, can be
used for many different purposes, for example in process control rooms, CCTV monitoring, and issuing work permits. The
real-time data from the AirWatches enters via an additional PC or laptop. If an alarm or report is received, the system gives a
visual and an audible alarm and full details are given on the screen so you can quickly take action. Early warning is key here!
One of the safe applications that the AirWatch can be used for is the monitoring of breathing air when compressors are being
used. When hazardous substances are measured, the AirWatch will turn the compressor off immediately, so that no harmful
substances can get into the air bottles. If the concentrations detected have dropped to below the alarm limits, the AirWatch
can be reset and the equipment attached to it restarted. The AirWatch will continue to measure the surrounding air during
and after use. This application is also suitable for generators, welding transformers and pumps.
Check availability of software and application notes of the AirWatch at www.watchgas.eu or get in touch.