Bluetooth SPP (Bluetooth COM)
The Bluetooth SPP (Serial Port Protocol) creates a virtual Bluetooth
comport. This setting is not recommended. Only use this option if you
have software capable of capturing data off of a comport.
Bluetooth SPP (Bluetooth COM)
Bluetooth HID
Use this setting (on by default) to pair with most Bluetooth connections.
Bluetooth HID works just like a keyboard.
Bluetooth HID*
Start and Stop Pin
Use the Start and Stop Pin barcodes when you are prompted for a password
(Passkey) during Bluetooth pairing. To use this setting:
1. When prompted for a password, scan the Start Pin barcode.
2. Scan the appropriate numbers (provided on page 9) for your password.
3. Scan ENTER.
4. Scan the Stop Pin barcode.
Now the Pin is set and the scanner should pair to the PC. Test the
connection by scanning a barcode into WordPad, NotePad or the equivalent
and verifying the scan is correct.