Installation manual
Promotion via the real time clock (RTC)
The RTC and Promotion times are set and displayed in 24hr format. (e.g. 1:15 PM = 13:15). The promotion days of
the week are represented by a two digit number (nn). The RTC’s built in calendar adjusts for leap years. Promotion
set up requires setting the RTC and up to four pairs of Promotional start and stop times and percentages.
RTC and Promotional Setup
1. Navigate to Register 72 (RTC set-up) as explained in the Service Mode section.
2. Press START, this will stop the clock. The year will be displayed as a four digit number (yyyy). Edit these values
using the HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, and NO HEAT buttons.
3. Press START, the Month and Day will be displayed as two-digit numbers (mm.dd). Edit these values using the
HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, and NO HEAT buttons.
4. Press START, the Hour and Minutes will be displayed in 24 hr format as two digit numbers (hh.mm). Edit these
values using the HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, and NO HEAT buttons.
5. Press START to save the changes and exit register 72. This will reset the clock to the set time, reset the clock’s
seconds digit to “00”, and restart the clock. This allows synchronizing the clocks on multiple machines to a master
clock such as a wall clock, wristwatch, or cell phone.
6. Navigate to Register “73” (RTC Promotion #1 START) to set the percentage discount, day of the week and start
time for promotion #1.
7. Press START, a two-digit day number (“0d”) for which the start day(s) of the week for promotion #1 will be dis-
played. (1=Sunday, 2=Monday, ... 7=Saturday, 8=All days, 9=Monday-Friday only, A=Saturday and Sunday only,
0=promotion is inactive.) Edit this number using the NO HEAT button to cycle through the allowed values.
8. Press START, the Hours and Minutes in 24 hr format for the start of Promotion #1 will be displayed (hh.mm). Edit
these values using the HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, and NO HEAT buttons.
9. Press START, the promotion percentage discount will be displayed as three digits (%%%). The discount can
range from “000” = 000% to “999%” = 999%. Setting the promotion to = “A00” will allow free drying). Edit this num-
ber using the Medium, Low and No Heat buttons. Note, pressing the Medium button ten times will cycle the value
to “A00”.
10. Press START to save the changes and exit Register “73”
11. Navigate to Register “74” (RTC Promotion #1 END”). This will allow you to set the end time for promotion #1.
12. Press START, the promotion end time in hours and minutes in 24 hr format will be displayed (hh.min). Edit these
values using the HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, and NO HEAT buttons.
13. Press START, this will save the changes and exit register 74.
14. Program the three other Promotion times and percentages as desired using register pairs: 075 & 076 (Promotion
#2), 077 & 078 (Promotion #3), and 079 & 080 (Promotion #4). Each promotion can have a different percent re-
duction. They must not overlap with each other.
15. Exit Service Mode.
Promotion via external clock-driven relay or switch
This dryer can apply a Promotion price discount using an external clock-driven relay or manual switch. To use this
feature the dryer requires an optional external price reduction harness kit be installed. Refer to the kit’s installation
manual for information regarding connecting this signal to the dryer to activate discounts.
Parameter memory register assignments
1. Navigate to Register 081 (Promotion %%% for discount input signal) as explained in theService Mode section.
2. Press START the promotion percentage discount will be displayed as three digits (%%%). The discount can
range from “000” = 0% to “999” = 999% Setting to “A00” will allow free drying. Edit this number using the Medium,
LOW and NO HEAT buttons.
3. Press START, this will save the changes and exit register 081.
4. Exit Service Mode.
When the external signal is activated, the DRYER will apply Promotion set in register 081, to increase the drying time
as explained elsewhere in this manual.
Please contact Electrolux Professional local contact’s Technical Support team if you have any questions or need as-
sistance with price programming or implementing promotion events.