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Tips for packaging
Pack the food as freshly as possible. By means of vacuum-packaging, the freshness of the food can be
retained up to five times longer, compared with food that is stored under regular circumstances.
Delicate and moist food, as well as food of which the shape should be retained, must first be frozen.
Food such as meat, berries and bread can be frozen up to 24 hours before freezer burn starts. As soon
as the food is solid, you can deep-freeze it.
If you choose to package meat without freezing it first, then place a folded paper towel between the
meat and the top of the bag. This will absorb moisture.
Firstly, freeze liquid food, such as soups, stews and casseroles in, for instance, an oven dish. As soon
as they are frozen, they are ready for vacuum-packaging, marking and storage in the freezer.
Cover sharp points and edges of products such as bones, pasta and rice first, using a paper towel. This
reduces the risk of the vacuum bag being punctured.
Vacuum bags are suitable for the microwave and are hot water resistant. You can re-use vacuum bags,
unless they have been used to store fish or fat food. We recommend that you do not re-use vacuum
bags that have been cooked or been in the microwave.
Vegetables should be blanched first before vacuum-packaging is done. Mushrooms and garlic cannot
be vacuum-packed.