Affi xing the Towel Warmer to the Wall
- cont’d
Step 4
Attach all four brackets to their desired positions on the Towel
Warmer. See pgs. 7-10 for bracket assembly instructions specifi c
to the model you selected.
Step 5
Lay the template on a fl at surface and place the Towel Warmer on
top with brackets facing downwards. Mark the exact location of
the electrical collar connection and the brackets.
Step 6
Use the template as a guide to mark the wall with the correct
locations of the four brackets. Ensure that the electrical collar is
lined up with the center of the electrical box. Also, at least two of the
brackets must be lined up with a wall stud. Ensure that all anchor
points are clear of existing electrical or mechanical systems.
Step 7
Check to make sure that the Towel Warmer is level.
Step 8
Install the brackets into the wall. Use the drywall anchors that are
supplied for the brackets that are not being installed into a stud.
See pgs. 11-12 for Final Installation Instructions