Waring MG100 Instruction Manual Download Page 7

Remove any visible gristle from meat. Cut meats into 1 - inch cubes.
Place meats in a large bowl and add the remaining ingredients. Stir
well to combine. Cover and refrigerate for at least 8 and up to 24 hours. 

Assemble Waring Pro

Meat Grinder with the medium cutting plate.

Grind meat, mixing venison and pork evenly while grinding. Ground
sausage may be stuffed into prepared casings or formed into patties.
Fresh sausage should be cooked within 24 hours or double wrapped
and frozen. Cook thoroughly before serving - internal temperature
should register 160° F when tested with an instant read thermometer.
Venison sausage may also be smoked in a homestyle smoker. Use
wood flavor of your choice, suggestions would include hickory or
mesquite. Recommended smoking temperature is 175° - 200° F,
and smoking time should be 4 to 6 hours. Cook or smoke sausage
thoroughly before serving - internal temperature should register
160° F when tested with an instant read thermometer.

Nutritional information per suggested serving:

Calories 1170 (33% from fat) • carb. 1g • pro. 27g • fat 6g • sat. fat

2g chol. 97mg • sod. 431• calc. 14mg • fiber 0g

Waring Consumer Products  

150 Milford Road

East Windsor, NJ 08520


Printed in Taiwan

MG100 IB


IB# 4267

