If you forget encryption password, or can’t use camera normally, you can try to restore
factory default as following steps:
Power off the device;
Press and hold “Reset” button, and then power on the device;
Continue hold the “Reset” button for at least 5 seconds, then release;
After camera restart, it will go back to factory default setting automatically, it need
around 2 minutes;
During the reset, please don’t power off the device, otherwise the above operation
is not succeeded, you need to repeat above operation.
Forgot register account information
If you forget password, you can click “Forgot password” in fig.2, it will pop up a
dialogue, enter user name, click “Submit”, it will send password to your registered
If forgot user name or E-mail address, so you need to re-register a user. If the user
you forgot manages many cameras, need to add these cameras to the new user
one by one, and it will automatically delete these cameras one by one from old user.
The old user will be deleted automatically when all cameras are moved to new
5.2 Local management
You can set and mange device by local management when PC and camera are in same
LAN (like Figure 1).
In Fig. 2
click local management link, will pop up a device list as fig. 9.
Fig. 9