1.1 What is 3D Printing?
3D Printing is a process whereby a real object is created from a 3D Design. Fused Filament
Fabrication (FFF) is one of the most common technologies used by 3D Printers to achieve this. FFF
works on an ‘additive’ principle by laying down material, such as PLA or ABS filament, in layers to
create a 3D object.
1.2 From 3D Design to Printed 3D Object:
3D Design Slice to GCODE Setup 3D Printer 3D Printing Process 3D Printed Object
3D Design
Having a 3D Design is the first step to creating a 3D Object. There are
a number of free 3D Designs that can be downloaded and printed for
personal use. Websites such as Thingiverse.com, Pinshape.com and
YouMagine.com are a good place to start, but there are many more
Alternatively, you can create your own 3D Design using 3D Modelling Software. Programs such as
SketchUp or Blender allow this, however this can take some practice before successfully modelling
your 3D Design. After you’ve finished your 3D Design, you can export it as an .STL file, to be
imported into a ‘Slicer’ program such as Cura.
Slice to GCODE
A ‘Slicer’ converts a 3D Design (usually in .STL or .AMF format) into
individual layers. It then generates the machine code (such as GCODE) that
the 3D Printer will use for printing.
We recommend Cura, as it uses a simple interface and includes a large amount of support material.
Model : Duplicator I3 Plus