Waltron User Manual 101-021-B.1
3044 Hydrazine Analyzer
For troubleshooting tips and solutions, refer to the HELP Menu. The HELP Menu can be found
through the user interface of the analyzer and in Appendix B of this manual.
Table 9.1: Alarm descriptions.
Alarm Description
Action Required
One or more reagent
bottles is low
Check the level of the reagent bottles and
refill as necessary
Zero Failure
The Reference Failed
Check the water level in the sample cell
Loss of
Sample 1
The sample to stream 1
is lost
Check the flow of Sample #1
Loss of
Sample 2
The sample to stream 2
is lost
Check the flow of Sample #2
Dual stream analyzers only
Someone felt it was
necessary to press the
Emergency Stop button
Determine why Emergency Stop was
pressed, correct problem and then press the
RESET button on the RUN window.
Cal Error
The Calibration Factor is
out of Range.
1. Check the level of the reagent bottles,
2. Make sure reagent pumps are primed
3. Check reagent pump dosage
4. Check Cal Sample level
5. Verify analyzer is draining properly
Result Alarm
Measurement is greater
than the % on the
Settings screen
The sample is out of range. Corrective
action required.