User Interface
Waltron User Manual 101-021-B.1
3044 Hydrazine Analyzer
Acess to the SERVICE Menu requires the second level password for the admin login. The
SERVICE Menu allows the user to configure the external terminal block connections.
Configure the External Control
On the Service screen change the External Input selection from NONE to either ONLINE or
EXTRA CYCLE (i.e., Calibration). This can be used to start the analyzer from an external
device (example: start the analyzer whenever a system valve is opened or a pump is started)
Setting the range for the 4-20mA Sample 1 Output
Set the range of the 4-20mA Sample 1 Output with the F Scale1 selection. The default range
is equal to the range of the analyzer. This is used to scale the instrument output to the scale of
the external datalogger or recorder.
Setting the range for the 4-20mA Sample 2 Output
Set the range of the 4-20mA Sample 2 Output with the F Scale2 selection. The default range
is equal to the range of the analyzer. This setting only applies to dual stream analyzers.
Configuring Relay 1, 2, 3 and 4
There are 4 cells on the service screen to configure Relay 1, Relay 2, Relay 3 and Relay 4.
Touch one of these cells and select the parameter to activate the relay:
Result Alarm
– The measurement is greater than the % specified on the Settings screen. For
example: If the Result Alarm on the Settings screen is set to greater than 50%, the relay will
close when the measurement goes above 50% of the analyzer range.
Loss of Sample 1
– The relay will close when the flow on Sample 1 is lost.
Loss of Sample 2
– The relay will close when the flow on Sample 2 is lost.
Fault Alarm
– The relay will close when a Fault Alarm occurs such as
- Pressing the EMERGENCY STOP button. Alarm is cleared by pressing RESET in the
RUN window.
- Reagent level falls below 4%. Alarm Cleared by refilling reagent bottles and setting the
level to 100%.
Cycle Command
– When testing the relay, set the relay mode to “Cycle Command”.
GO to the Display screen and press the Manual button.
Scroll through the options and select Relay #1.
Set the activation duration and press ON.
The Relay #1 contacts will close for the designated duration.