5. How It Works
5. How It Works
The MIDI specification determines that one MIDI
OUT is assigned to each MIDI IN. However, if you
want to transmit one MIDI signal to several
instruments, there are exactly two ways to do so:
either you connect these instruments to each
other via their MIDI THRU connectors (already
with three units this might lead to signal delay and
deformation), or you use a device that is able to
split up a MIDI signal and send it to several MIDI
OUT connectors at the same time.
Now, if you want to have one MIDI device
controlled by two instruments simultaneously, you
need a device that is able to mix two MIDI signal
packages. A simple two-way adapter, as is often
used for audio connections, cannot be used here
because MIDI signals are digital signals and for
merging them a special processor is required.