Link Modes
a warmer and more colourful timbre to the signal based on a finely-crafted OTA
filtering circuit.
This effect is similar to a classic low-pass gate. However, while the classic
low-pass gate is realised with a vactrol and therefore isn’t able to be modulated
quickly, the OTA-based low-pass filter in the dvca1 can be modulated at any
speed up to audio rate for giving a rich and flexible timbre control.
The amount of colour filtering can be also controlled via the CV input. In this
case the panel knob acts as an attenuator to the applied CV signal.
Link Modes
The level control section of the right VCA could be linked to the left VCA.
They are three link modes: independent, parallel and anti-parallel.
Independent mode for every channel in left position of the switch.
In parallel mode (switch is in middle position) the linear and exponential
controls (i.e. panel knobs and its CV inputs) of the right VCA (2) are
disabled and instead the controls of the left VCA (1) are used. In this
configuration e.g. a stereo signal can be modulated by just using CV on
the left section (1). However, the gain knob of the right VCA (2) is still
active in order for overall level compensation or panning effects.
In anti-parallel mode (switch is in right position) only the linear control
section of the right VCA (2) is disabled. Instead the linear control of the
left VCA (1) is used in reverse way: When the left VCA (1) is open by
linear control, the right is closed and vice versa. The
controls of the right VCA (2) are not affected and could be used in
addition. This can be used for auto-panning effects e.g. when modulating
volume by an LFO.