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3.4.3. For total manual control do not tick any of the
above (3.3.2. to 3.4.2.) maximize the window and go
straight to the Start button.
3.4.4. Saving images. Setting the snapshot folder. It
is important to select which location the captured
image snapshots should be saved too. For example
in this case C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop.
Please also remember to tick the Save Images box.
3.5.0. Once the above settings have been made,
the screen needs to be maximized to allow the
start/stop button to be pressed.
Sequencing will commence and the capturing and
will stop depending on the relevant sequence
Selected or by pressing the stop button.
Emissivity Table
Below is a list of approximate emissivity values for a range of materials for making more accurate temperature
Emissivity values often vary with temperature and wavelength so this table is included as a guide only.
1.000000 = Black body
0.980000 = Carbon filed surface
0.980000 = Frost crystals
0.980000 = Skin human
0.970000 = Slate
0.960000 = Water distilled
0.960000 = Ice smooth
0.950000 = Soil saturated with water
0.950000 = Carbon candle soot
0.940000 = Glass polished plate
0.940000 = Paint, oil
0.930000 = Brick red
0.930000 = Paper white bond
0.920000 = Concrete
0.920000 = Soil dry
0.910000 = Plaster rough coat
0.900000 = Wood planed oak
0.900000 = Glazed earthenware
0.890000 = Snow, granular
0.880000 = Glazed Silica
0.870000 = Cuprous Oxide at 38°C
0.860000 = Emery Corundum
0.850000 = Snow
0.850000 = Stainless oxidized at 800°C
0.840000 = Oxidized Iron at 500°C
0.830000 = Cuprous Oxide at 260°C
0.820000 = Snow, fine particles
0.810000 = Brass, unoxidized
0.800000 = Glass, convex D
0.790000 = Steel oxidized
0.780000 = Copper heavily oxidized
0.770000 = Cotton cloth
0.760000 = Sand
0.750000 = Unglazed silica
0.740000 = Oxidized iron at 100°C
0.730000 = Coating No. C20A
0.720000 = Basalt
0.710000 = Graphitized carbon at 500°C
0.700000 = Red Rust
0.690000 = Iron sheet heavily rusted
0.670000 = Water
0.660000 = Black Loam
0.650000 = White cement
0.640000 = Iron cast oxidized
0.630000 = Lead oxidized at 1100°F
0.620000 = Zirconia on inconel
0.610000 = Cu-Zn, brass oxidized
0.580000 = Inconel sheet at 760°C
0.560000 = Smooth white marble
0.550000 = Al anodized chromic acid
0.210000 = Iron cast polished
0.200000 = Brass rubbed 80 grit emery
0.160000 = Stainless steel 18-8 buffed
0.090000 = Aluminum as received
0.070000 = Steel polished
0.050000 = Aluminum polished sheet
0.050000 = Copper polished
0.030000 = Brass highly polished