Connect Devices
750-xxxx/0040-xxxx Design Notes /XTR
Version 1.2.0
Pos: 34.13 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Systembeschrei bung/Versorgung/Beispi el: @ 3\mod_1232630417843_21.docx @ 26605 @ @ 1
Pos: 34.14 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Systembeschrei bung/Versorgung/Systemversorgung - Ausl egung - Beispiel 1 ( er weiterter EC O) @ 3\mod_1232950106250_21.docx @ 26788 @ @ 1
Calculating the current consumption on an Example Coupler:
Internal current consumption
380 mA at 5 V
Residual current for bus modules
1620 mA at 5 V
Sum I
(5 V) total
2000 mA at 5V
Pos: 34.15 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Systembeschrei bung/Versorgung/Systemversorgung - Ausl egung - Interne Stromaufnahme/Summenstrom @ 3\mod_1232950111375_21.docx @ 26816 @ @ 1
The internal current consumption is indicated in the technical data for each bus
terminal. In order to determine the total requirement, add together the values of all
I/O modules in the node.
Please note the aggregate current for I/O modules. It may be necessary to
supply potential!
When the sum of the internal current consumption for the I/O modules exceeds
their aggregate current, you must use a supply module with bus power supply.
Install it before the position where the permissible aggregate current would be
Pos: 34.16 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Systembeschrei bung/Versorgung/Beispi el: @ 3\mod_1232630417843_21.docx @ 26605 @ @ 1
Pos: 34.17 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Systembeschrei bung/Versorgung/Systemversorgung XTR - Ausl egung - Beispiel 2 ( er weiterter EC O) @ 16\mod_1373894651926_21.docx @ 126155 @ @ 1
Calculating the total current on the Example Coupler described above:
A node with the example coupler, which is described above, consists of:
20 relay modules (750-517/xxx-xxx)
10 digital input modules (750-1415/xxx-xxx).
Internal current consumption 20 * 90 mA = 1800 mA
10 * 6 mA = 60 mA
1860 mA
The example coupler can provide 1620 mA (see previous example) for the bus
modules. This value is given in the associated data sheet. Consequently, an
internal system supply module (750-613/xxx-xxx), e. g. in the middle of the node,
should be added.
Pos: 34.18 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Systembeschrei bung/Versorgung/Systemversorgung - Ausl egung - Berechnung Eingangsstr om XTR @ 18\mod_1392381249671_21.docx @ 145538 @ @ 1
The maximum input current of the 24 V system supply is 500 mA. The exact
electrical consumption (I
) can be determined with the following formulas: