Wireless Channels
The system communicates via wireless signals that operate on distinct channels labeled C – N.
All devices that are considered a system all must be assigned to the same channel. So if the HC is on
channel H, the SH and printer must also be assigned to channel H.
The user can run an energy scan to inspect the local environment to see which channel provides the
best communication. Running the energy scan displays each channel and the signal to noise ratio and
the higher the number is better.
Once you determine which of the channels is best, change the devices in a specific order to the new
channel. Change the channel of the printer first, then the SH, and lastly, change the channel of the HC.
If you change the HC channel first, the HC will not be able to see the SH nor the printer, because they
are still on the old channel.
The energy scan needs only run if you are having communication issues.