Slow Burning
Ensure that your Air Control is fully open and that you have a good base of hot embers. Add a full load of
larger pieces of hardwood or coal. Allow to burn for 10-20 minutes before adjusting the Air Controls to low
(almost closed position).
The Butler Multi will now burn away for long periods on low.
Reloading after a Slow Burn
At the end of a slow burn adjust the air controls to the high position for maximum air supply.
Rake the embers and re-establish the fire by adding a few small split logs and allow the firebox temperature to
build up before adding the balance of the fuel.
The addition of large quantities of cold fuel to a low fire will reduce the firebox temperature dramatically and
this may result in ‘losing’ the fire. Proceed with fire as before.
Ensure that your Butler Multi is cold and that there are no hot embers in the fire box.
The outside enamel panels of your Butler Multi may be cleaned with a soft rag and non abrasive “spray &
wipe” type products.
Ash Removal
Over a period of time ash will build up in your Butler Multi requiring removal.
Ash build-up will depend upon the quality and quantity of your fuel.
To empty ashes from the fire box, rake ashes on the grate with poker, to loosen and allow to fall through to
ash pan below. Dispose of contents of ash pan in a non-combustible container with a tightly fitting lid.
Place outdoors immediately to a location clear of combustible materials.
Door Glass
Under normal operating conditions, using seasoned fuel, the glass in your Butler Multi should remain relatively
clear. If the glass becomes dirty it can be cleaned by dipping a damp paper towel into the dry cold ashes, and
rubbing gently on the dirty glass to clean. If in the unlikely event your door glass breaks it must be replaced
with a 5mm ceramic glass. This can be purchased through your Wagener Stoves Dealer.
NOTE: Do not operate your Butler Multi with broken glass and under no circumstance should a non-ceramic
type glass be used as it may explode due to the intense heat inside the fire box.
The Door Seals
The door seal should be checked and adjusted to provide a perfect seal at all times. Excess air entering the
fire box past a faulty seal will make it impossible to achieve a slow burn, and may result in over firing the
Butler Multi and causing damage.
Fire Box Bricks
Fire Bricks serve two purposes. Firstly, to protect the steel chassis and secondly to maintain high
temperatures in the fire box to effect complete combustion of the fuel. Cracked and broken bricks should be
replaced. Remember to place your fuel in the firebox rather than throwing it in. This will extend the life of
your bricks.
Flue Cleaning
Flue cleaning and maintenance is probably best done by a professional who can also advise you on the
condition of your flue and other parts like bricks and seals. This should be done annually. However, if you are
cleaning the flue yourself first allow the fire to go out and the Butler Multi to cool down. Remove the cowl
and rod the flue downwards from the roof. Remove the baffle to clean out the soot from the firebox.
Alternatively remove the baffle and rod the flue upwards, from inside, through the open firebox door.