Sma�t �C
200W USB+
by Wagan Te�h
�C O�tp�t v��tage
115 V ±5 V �C, 60 Hz
DC Inp�t V��tage
12 V (10 V t� 15 V)
USB O�tp�t V��tage
5 V
USB O�tp�t C���ent
2.1 �
O�tp�t Wave F��m
M�dified Sine wave (MSW)
O�tp�t P�we�
200 Watts
S��ge P�we� Capa�ity
500 Watts
Ove� 90%
N� ��ad C���ent
<0.15 �mps DC
Batte�y ��w Sh�td�wn
DC 8.5 V ± 0.5 V
The�ma� Sh�td�wn (��t�mati�
55 ºF ± 5 ºF
Dimensi�ns (L x W x H)
4.41 in. x 3.54 in. x 1.62 in.
112 mm x 90 mm x 41 mm
12.3 �z / 348 g
The W�G�N C��p. wa��anty is �imited t� p��d��ts s��d �n�y in the United States.
��� Wagan Te�h p��d��ts m�st be �egiste�ed within (30) days �f p���hase t� a�tivate its
wa��anty. T� �egiste� y��� p��d��t, p�ease visit
. Be
s��e t� keep the ��igina� �e�eipt as it wi�� be �eq�i�ed when �et��ning a p��d��t �nde�
the wa��anty.
Wa��anty D��ati�n: This p��d��t is wa��anted t� the ��igina� p���hase� f�� a pe�i�d
�f �ne (1) yea� f��m the ��igina� p���hase date, t� be f�ee �f defe�ts in mate�ia� and
w��kmanship. W�G�N C��p��ati�n dis��aims any �iabi�ity f�� ��nseq�entia� damages.
In n� event wi�� W�G�N C��p��ati�n be �esp�nsib�e f�� any am��nt �f damages
bey�nd the am��nt paid f�� the p��d��t at �etai�.
Wa��anty Pe�f��man�e: D��ing the ab�ve �ne (1) yea� wa��anty pe�i�d, a p��d��t with
a defe�t wi�� be �ep�a�ed with a ��mpa�ab�e m�de� when the p��d��t is �et��ned t�
W�G�N C��p��ati�n with an ��igina� st��e �e�eipt. The �ep�a�ement p��d��t wi�� be in
wa��anty f�� the ba�an�e �f the ��igina� �ne (1) yea� wa��anty pe�i�d.
T� �et��n a defe�tive item, p�ease ��nta�t W�G�N C��p��ati�n at (800) 231-5806 t�
�btain a Ret��ned Me��handise ��th��izati�n n�mbe� (RM�#), and �et��n inst���ti�ns.
Ea�h item �et��ned wi�� �eq�i�e a sepa�ate RM�#. �fte� y�� have �e�eived the RM�#
and the �et��n inst���ti�ns f��m W�G�N C��p��ati�n, p�ease f����w the inst���ti�ns and
send the item with PREP�ID SHIPPING, a��ng with a�� �f the �eq�i�ed d���mentati�n, a
��mp�ete exp�anati�n �f the p��b�em, y��� name, add�ess and daytime ph�ne n�mbe�.
W�G�N C��p��ati�n wi��, at its �pti�n, �ep�a�e �� �epai� the defe�tive pa�t.
� Ret��ned Me��handise ��th��izati�n n�mbe� (RM�#) is REQUIRED when sending
in any defe�tive item. W�G�N C��p��ati�n is n�t �esp�nsib�e f�� any item(s) �et��ned
with��t an �ffi�ia� Ret��ned Me��handise ��th��izati�n n�mbe�. The item(s) m�st be
�et��ned with p�epaid shipping. W�G�N C��p��ati�n is n�t �esp�nsib�e f�� any
shipping �ha�ges in����ed in �et��ning the item(s) ba�k t� the ��mpany f�� �epai� ��
�ep�a�ement. This wa��anty is v�id if the p��d��t has been damaged by a��ident, in
shipment, �n�eas�nab�e �se, mis�se, neg�e�t, imp��pe� se�vi�e, ��mme��ia� �se, �epai�s
by �na�th��ized pe�s�nne� �� �the� �a�ses n�t a�ising ��t �f defe�ts in mate�ia�s ��
w��kmanship. This wa��anty d�es n�t extend t� any �nits whi�h have been �sed in
vi��ati�n �f w�itten inst���ti�ns f��nished.
Wa��anty Dis��aime�s: This wa��anty is in �ie� �f a�� wa��anties exp�essed �� imp�ied
and n� �ep�esentative �� pe�s�n is a�th��ized t� ass�me any �the� �iabi�ity in
��nne�ti�n with the sa�e �f ��� p��d��ts. The�e sha�� be n� ��aims f�� defe�ts �� fai���e
�f pe�f��man�e �� p��d��t fai���e �nde� any the��y �f t��t, ��nt�a�t �� ��mme��ia� �aw
in���ding, b�t n�t �imited t� neg�igen�e, g��ss neg�igen�e, st�i�t �iabi�ity, b�ea�h �f
wa��anty and b�ea�h �f ��nt�a�t.
©2008 WAGAN Corp. REV2012
W�G�N C��p. Limited Wa��anty