Sma�t �C
200W USB+
by Wagan Te�h
©2012 Wagan C��p��ati�n. ��� Rights Rese�ved.
Wagan Te�h and
a�e t�adema�ks �sed by Wagan C��p��ati�n.
Use�’s Man�a�—Read bef��e �sing this eq�ipment
Thank y�� f�� p���hasing Sma�t �C
200W USB+
by Wagan Te�h
. With
n��ma� �a�e and p��pe� t�eatment, it wi�� p��vide yea�s �f �e�iab�e se�vi�e. It is
imp��tant t� �ead, �nde�stand, and ��mp�y with these inst���ti�ns bef��e �sing
this inve�te�. Keep this Use�’s Man�a� f�� f�t��e �efe�en�e.
This inve�te� is p�we�ed f��m a 12 v��t DC s����e and p��vides 120 v��ts �C 60
Hz th���gh tw� N��th �me�i�an standa�d ��t�ets t� �C app�ian�es �p t� 200
watts. The �C wavef��m is a m�dified sine wave (MSW), whi�h app��ximates
the sine wave �f h��seh��d e�e�t�i�a� se�vi�e. �n atta�hed DC p�we� ���d
��nne�ts t� a 12 V DC �iga�ette �ighte� s��ket. The�e is a USB p�we� p��t that
�an be �sed t� �ha�ge �e�� ph�nes, digita� �ame�as, and �the� m�bi�e e�e�t��ni�s.
Safety feat��es in���de a�t�mati� sh�td�wn in the event �f �ve�heat, �ve���ad,
�nde� v��tage, and �ve� v��tage ��nditi�ns.
M�st vehi��e �iga�ette �ighte� s��kets a�e f�sed at 10� �� 15�. When �sing
vehi��e �iga�ette �ighte� s��ket, d� n�t ex�eed 120W �� 180W �espe�tive�y.
D�ing s� wi�� b��w the vehi��e �iga�ette s��ket f�se.
This inve�te� has feat��es that wi�� p�event y��� batte�y f��m being ��mp�ete�y
dis�ha�ged. �n a�dib�e a�a�m wi�� s��nd when the batte�y v��tage is 10.5 v��ts.
If y�� hea� this a�a�m we �e��mmend �pe�ating y��� engine f�� 10–20 min�tes t�
�e�ha�ge the vehi��e’s batte�y.
• Keep the inve�te� away f��m �hi�d�en.
• D� n�t �pe�ate the inve�te� with wet hands be�a�se �f e�e�t�i�a� sh��k
• This devi�e p��d��es a v��tage simi�a� t� wa�� ��t�ets at h�me and sh���d
be t�eated with the same �a�ti�n.
• If y�� �se a batte�y �ha�ge� t� �e�ha�ge y��� batte�y, be s��e t� dis��nne�t
the inve�te� fi�st. Fai���e t� dis��nne�t the inve�te� p�i�� t� ��nne�ting a
�ha�ge� may �es��t in an inp�t v��tage spike that �an damage the inve�te�.
• P�we�ing this inve�te� with g�eate� than 15 v��ts DC �an damage the
inve�te� and v�id the wa��anty.
• D� n�t �se an extensi�n ���d between the DC p�we� s����e and the
DC inp�t �f the inve�te�. �n extensi�n ���d �n the DC inp�t �an ��eate a
v��tage d��p that �an �ed��e effi�ien�y and ��tp�t.
• D� n�t �pen the �ase �f the inve�te�. The�e a�e n� �se� se�vi�eab�e pa�ts
• D� n�t �et the ���d �f the inve�te� �� any app�ian�e ���d get wet. D� n�t
�pe�ate this inve�te� in �� a���nd wate�. Wate� �an damage the inve�te�.
Wate� damage is n�t ��ve�ed �nde� wa��anty.
• Unp��g the inve�te� when sta�ting the vehi��e’s engine.
• Unp��g �� dis��nne�t the inve�te� when it is n�t in �se.
• Keep at �east �ne in�h �f ��ea�an�e a���nd the inve�te� f�� ai� fl�w.
• Keep the inve�te� and a�� ���ds d�y.
• Se���e the inve�te� t� keep it stati�na�y whi�e a vehi��e is m�ving.
• Kn�w the wattage �eq�i�ements �f y��� app�ian�es. �pp�ian�e t�ta�
wattage �an n�t ex�eed 200 watts.
• Make s��e the inve�te� is ��nne�ted t� the ����e�t v��tage and p��a�ity.
• D� n�t ��nne�t the inve�te�s �C ��tp�t t� an�the� �C p�we� s����e.
Damage wi�� �es��t, v�iding the inve�te�’s wa��anty.
• The 12 v��t s�pp�y m�st p��vide between 10 v��ts t� 14.5 v��ts DC.
• D� n�t �se an extensi�n ���d between the DC p�we� s����e and the DC
inp�t �f the inve�te�. �n extensi�n ���d �an ��eate a v��tage d��p that �an
�ed��e effi�ien�y and ��tp�t.