according your program adapter ordered ( you can confirm it from the following program adapter
pictures list )
Nomal program mode (RS232 program adapter and USB program adapter)
No selection of box of the RF-KEY mode and use modem
Input the right password,initial password is “ 123456 ”
RF wireless program mode ( RF program adapter )
Check the select box of the RF-KEY mode
Input the ID number of your device and password. This mode is only for the GSM-RFKEY
device. And each device have a special ID number.
GSM modem program mode (GSM modem program adapter)
Check the select box of the “ use modem”
For this mode,that is to use the SMS to program the remote GSM-KEY device. So you need to
input the “ Receive expired time ”, and also need to input the GSM-KEY device SIM card
number into the “ unit phone number ” text box.
For this mode, you also need to put another SIM card number in the GSM Modem
Normally the “ Receive expired time ” is setup to 2 minutes ( 120 seconds ),
The “ unit phone number ” is the SIM card number in the remote GSM-KEY device,not the
SIM card number in the GSM Modem.
RS232 and USB program adapter
Wireless program adapter