4 - Bolts, 1/2” - 13 x1-1/2”
Hex Head
4- Nut, 1/2”-13 GR. 2 HEX
4- Lockwashers, 1/2” split
4 - Nuts, 3/8 - 16 Hex
4 - Lockwashers, 3/8” Split
4 - Washers, 3/8” Flat
2 - U-bolts, 3/8 Inch
2 - U-bolts, 5/16 Inch
4- Nuts, 5/16 Hex
4 - Lockwashers, 5/16” Split
4 - Reinforcing Channel
2 - Mast Clamps
Printed in Canada
Swing the frame open,
assemble it using 3/8 - 16 x 1-
1/2 hex head bolts and mount it
to the PB-81 screen frame using
the supplied U-bolts, mast
clamps and reinforcing clips as
shown in Figure 3 and overview
drawing on page 4.
Open hardware package #1. This should consist of a minimum of:
Screen Assembly
Use this hardware to
assemble antenna halves
as shown in Figure 2.
Refer to detail at right.
Figure 2
8 - Bolts, 1/4 - 20 x 3 1/2” Hex
8 - Nuts, 1/4 - 20 Hex
8 - Lockwashers, 1/4” Split
16 - Reinforcing Channels
Locate the outrigger frame and hardware package #2. This should consist of a minimum of:
Outrigger Assembly
Frame Array
Figure 3
Page 2