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Page 19
Due to RMS continuous product improvement policy this information is subject to change without notice. 1S20_User_Guide/Iss C/10/07/23
The 1S30A and 1S30B sensors may also be mixed to provide various coverage combinations, again
spacings of approximately 5 - 6 m should be observed to ensure adequate detection overlap.
Sensor Placement
Sensors need to be mounted to provide full coverage of the switchgear cubicles to be protected. Where
the protected zone is larger than the sensor coverage then the use of multiple sensors is required.
Precise positioning of the sensors is generally not required as the light caused by the arc is reflected
from the switchgear walls.
Sensor Mounting
The 1S30 is suitable for flush panel mounting in a number of configurations, for further information
on mounting arrangements and mounting hardware refer to the 1S30 Technical Bulletin.
10 - 12m