Nieaf-Smitt is a brand name of Mors Smitt
Phase rotation
Connect the supposed three phase of power
source as shown.
The test is only available while the system
frequency is stable
Set the rotary switch to the ‘W’position
Using the navigator key to choose the ‘ ‘ mode
Connect the red test lead to the supposed phase
Line 1, and the black test lead to the supposed phase
Line 3:
If volt > 1000 V, it will display ‘OLU’ and flash; if volt
<30 V, it will display ‘LoU’
If the frequency > 65 Hz or < 45 Hz, it will display ‘outF’
and flash
If it is normal, then it will display ‘L1’ and flash for
about 3 sec
Line 3
Line 2
Line 1