03/2015 Version 1
Fix the ladder to the wall.
Pay attention that the ladder
hangs vertically.
Remove the arresting screw.
Put the ladder onto the
provided mounting wood at
the place where it should be
mounted.There must be a
distance of 60mm
between the bottom of the
ladder and the floor.
The switch plate has to be fixed
according to the position of the
ladder, on the far side of the shaft
a. Fasten the switch to the switch plate (here exemplarily on the right). Insert the actuator so
that its fixing bracket points to the back (in the direction of the shaft wall).
b. Put the ladder in the storage position and fix the actuator with the double-sided adhesive tape
to the rung.
c. Remove the ladder carefully from the fixture, so that the actuator fixed with adhesive tape
remains unchanged at the rung. Drill two holes from below into the rung (through the connexion
holes of the actuator) with the provided drill (3.5 mm). Now it can be fastened safely with both
sheet metal screws.