Cause of Error
How to Fix
RTD open or temperature over 100°C
for an Incubating Unit
This error cannot be fixed by the end user.
Unplug the unit and please contact your VWR representative for repair.
RTD shorted or temperature below 0°C
for an Incubating Unit
This error cannot be fixed by the end user.
Unplug the unit and please contact your VWR representative for repair.
Mechanical obstruction
Ceased motor
Drive belt broken
Press the standby button to clear this error. If the E3 error persists, along with grinding, knocking or rubbing noises,
un-plug the unit and contact your VWR representative for repairs.
In the event of an errant E3 error, such as someone inadvertently touching the platform tray while the unit is running,
the unit will automatically go to the horizontal “home” position and restart.
In the event of an obstruction left under the tray, which would cause the unit to continually restart, the unit will attempt to
auto home and restart four (4) times and then stop running, displaying an E3 error. This error can be cleared by the user
by pressing the standby button.
Maximum load exceeded
Press the standby button to clear this error. Be sure the load is within the maximum load specification before restarting
the unit.
If problem persists, unplug the unit and please contact your VWR representative for repair.
During operation, any rattling or ticking sounds may indicate a loose screw on the platform tray, tray attachment or accessory. All accessories should be sufficiently tightened in
place before starting the unit.
For more information or technical assistance contact your local VWR representative or visit www.vwr.com.
Web resources: Visit VWR’s website at www.vwr.com for:
• Complete technical service contact information
• Access to VWR’s Online Catalogue, and information about accessories and related products
• Additional product information and special offers