Section 8
There are few oven parts that will require repair. In case of a malfunction,
the control thermostat, limit thermostat, heater status lamp, heaters, power
switch, vacuum/vent valve and vacuum gauge are fairly easy to replace.
Use this troubleshooting guide to find a possible source of any
problem,then test and/or make replacement as described.
Before starting any repair, disconnect power cord from outlet.
Vacuum Oven
VWR Collection
Excessive vacuum leaks:
Check door gasket and door alignment.
Check for loose connections/fittings.*
Check the vacuum/vent valve—order a replacement if it is leaking.*
Won't vent or evacuate:
Check for open fittings, large leaks.*
Check vacuum/vent valve; replace if bad.*
Check tubing & fittings for obstruction.*
Apply high quality vacuum grease to door gasket.
Vacuum gauge not at zero when oven door is open:
Replace the vacuum gauge.*
Power switch does not light:
Check power cord and outlet for power.
Check main fuses inside back cover.
Replace the power switch if necessary.
Heater status lamp is out when cold oven is heating up:
Replace the heater status lamp.
The thermostat is set at maximum and thermometer does
not register or only registers partial heating:
Move thermometer in contact with shelf.
Check both thermostats - replace if bad.
Make ohmmeter check of heater resistance and replace faulty heater(s).