About cordless telephones
The same features that make a cordless telephone convenent create some lmtatons. Telephone calls are transmtted between
the telephone base and the cordless handset by rado waves, so there s a possblty that the cordless telephone conversatons could be
ntercepted by rado recevng equpment wthn range of the cordless handset. For ths reason, you should not thnk of cordless telephone
conversatons as beng as prvate as those on corded telephones.
Electrical power:
The telephone base of ths cordless telephone must be connected to a workng electrcal outlet. The electrcal outlet
should not be controlled by a wall swtch. Calls cannot be made from the cordless handset f the telephone base s unplugged or swtched
off, or f the electrcal power s nterrupted.
Potential TV interference:
Some cordless telephones operate at frequences that may cause nterference to televsons and VCRs. To
mnmze or prevent such nterference, do not place the telephone base of the cordless telephone near or on top of a TV or VCR. If nterference
s experenced, movng the cordless telephone farther away from the TV or VCR wll often reduce or elmnate the nterference.
Rechargeable batteries:
Ths product contans ether nckel-cadmum or nckel-metal-hydrde rechargeable batteres. Exercse care n
handlng batteres n order not to create a short crcut wth conductng materal such as rngs, bracelets, and keys. The battery or conductor
may overheat and cause harm. Observe proper polarty between the battery and the battery charger.
Nickel-metal-hydride rechargeable batteries:
Dspose of these batteres n a safe manner. Do not burn or puncture the battery. Lke
other batteres of ths type, f burned or punctured, they could release caustc materal whch could cause njury.
seal on the nckel-metal-hydrde battery ndcates that VTech Communcatons, Inc. s voluntarly partcpatng
n an ndustry program to collect and recycle these batteres at the end of ther useful lves, when taken out of servce
wthn the Unted States and Canada.
program provdes a convenent alternatve to placng used nckel-metal-hydrde batteres nto the trash or
muncpal waste, whch may be llegal n your area.
VTech’s partcpaton n RBRC
makes t easy for you to drop off the spent battery at local retalers partcpatng n the
program or at authorzed VTech product servce centers. Please call
for nformaton on
N-MH battery recyclng and dsposal bans/restrctons n your area. VTech’s nvolvement n ths program s part of ts
commtment to protectng our envronment and conservng natural resources.
is a registered trademark of Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation.