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Specifications are subject to change without notice.

© 2018 VTech Communications, Inc.

All rights reserved. 05/18. SN7022-X_CIB_V1.0

Document order number: 91-011384-010-100

instructions, may cause harmful interference 
to radio communications. However, there is 
no guarantee that interference will not occur 
in a particular installation. If this equipment 
does cause harmful interference to radio or 
television reception, which can be determined 
by turning the equipment off and on, the user 
is encouraged to try to correct the interference 
by one or more of the following measures:
•  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
•  Increase the separation between the 

equipment and receiver.

•  Connect the equipment into an outlet on 

a circuit different from that to which the 
receiver is connected.

•  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/

TV technician for help.

WARNING: Changes or modifications to this 
equipment not expressly approved by the 
party responsible for compliance could void 
the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC 
rules. Operation is subject to the following two 
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful 
interference, and (2) this device must accept any 
interference received, including interference 
that may cause undesired operation.
To ensure safety of users, the FCC has 
established criteria for the amount of radio 
frequency energy that can be safely absorbed 
by a user or bystander according to the 
intended usage of the product. For body worn 
operation, this product has been tested and 
found to comply with the FCC RF exposure 
guidelines. Use of other accessories may not 
ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure 
This Class B digital apparatus complies with 
Canadian requirement: 

Industry Canada

This device complies with Industry Canada  
licence-exempt RSS standard(s).
Operation is subject to the following two 
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful 
interference, and (2) this device must accept any 
interference received, including interference 
that may cause undesired operation.
The term ‘’IC:‘’ before the certification/
registration number only signifies that the 
Industry Canada technical specifications were 

This product meets the applicable Innovation, 
Science and Economic Development Canada 
technical specifications.

RF radiation exposure statement

The product complies with FCC RF radiation 
exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled 
environment. For body worn operation, this 
product has been tested and meets the FCC RF 
exposure guidelines. Use of other accessories 
may not ensure compliance with FCC RF 
exposure guidelines. This transmitter must 
not be co-located or operating in conjunction 
with any other antenna or transmitter. This 
equipment complies also with Industry Canada 
RSS-102 with respect to Canada’s Health Code 6 
for Exposure of Humans to RF Fields.

For C-UL compliance only

Mesures de sécurité importantes

Lorsque vous utilisez votre appareil, vous 
devriez toujours suivre certaines mesures de 
précaution de base afin de réduire les risques 
d’incendie, d’électrocution et de blessures 
corporelles, dont ceux qui suivent :
1.  Lisez et comprenez bien toutes les instructions.
2.  Observez toutes les instructions et mises en 

garde inscrites sur l’appareil.

3.  Utilisez un chiffon humide pour nettoyer 

ce produit. N’utilisez pas de nettoyants en 

4.  N’utilisez pas ce produit près de l’eau, tel 

que près d’un bain, d’un lavabo, d’un évier 
de cuisine, d’un bac de lavage ou d’une 
piscine, ou dans un sous-sol humide ou sous 
la douche.

5.  Ne placez pas cet appareil sur un chariot, 

support ou table chancelants. L’appareil 
pourrait tomber et être sérieusement 

6.  Évitez d’installer le appareil dans les endroits 

soumis à une température extrême, à la 
lumière directe du soleil ou à proximité 
immédiate d’autres appareils électriques 
ou électroniques. Protégez votre appareil 
contre les sources d’humidité, la poussière, 
les vapeurs et les liquides corrosifs.

7.  Le boîtier de l’appareil est doté de fentes 

et d’ouvertures d’aération situées à 
l’arrière ou en dessous. Afin d’empêcher la 
surchauffe, ces ouvertures ne doivent pas 

button doesn’t 
work with the 

Make sure the CR123A 
battery is installed.

The emergency button 
may be deregistered from 
your telephone system. 
Refer to 

Add and register 

an emergency button


register the device to the 
telephone base again.
The emergency button may 
be out of range. Move the 
emergency button closer to 
your telephone system.
If the above suggestions 
do not work, deregister all 
devices and register them to 
the telephone base again.

Important safety instructions

When using your emergency button, basic 
safety precautions should always be followed to 
reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and injury, 
including the following:
1.  Read and understand all instructions.
2.  Follow all warnings and instructions marked 

on the product.

3.  Use a dry non-abrasive cloth for cleaning. 

Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners. 

4.  Do not use this product near water such as 

near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, 
laundry tub or a swimming pool, or in a wet 
basement or shower.

5.  Do not place this product on an unstable 

table, shelf, stand or other unstable surfaces.

6.  Avoid placing the device in places with 

extreme temperature, direct sunlight, 
or other electrical devices. Protect your 
emergency button from moisture, dust, 
corrosive liquids and fumes.

7.  This product should not be placed in 

any area where proper ventilation is not 
provided. Slots and openings in the back 
or bottom of this product are provided 
for ventilation. To protect them from 
overheating, these openings must not be 
blocked by placing the product on a soft 
surface such as a bed, sofa or rug. This 
product should never be placed near or 
over a radiator or heat register.

8.  Never push objects of any kind into this 

product through the slots because they may 
touch dangerous voltage points or create a 
short circuit. Never spill liquid of any kind on 
the product.

9.  To reduce the risk of electric shock, do 

not disassemble this product, but take it 
to an authorized service facility. Opening 
or removing parts of the emergency 
button other than specified access doors 
may expose you to dangerous voltages 
or other risks. Incorrect reassembling can 
cause electric shock when the product is 
subsequently used.

10. Refer servicing to an authorized service 

facility under the following conditions:

•  If the product has been exposed to rain 

or water.

•  If the product does not operate normally 

by following the operating instructions. 
Adjust only those controls that are 
covered by the operation instructions. 
Improper adjustment of other controls 
may result in damage and often requires 
extensive work by an authorized 
technician to restore the product to 
normal operation.

•  If the product has been dropped or 


•  If the product exhibits a distinct change in 


11. Avoid using the product during an electrical 

storm. There is a remote risk of electric shock 
from lightning.

12. Periodically examine all components for 




: Use only the battery indicated in 

this manual. There may be a risk of explosion 
if a wrong type of battery is used for the 
emergency button. Do not dispose of 
battery in a fire. They may explode.



•  CAUTION: To prevent risk of fire or battery 

explosion, replace with the correct battery 

•  Dispose of used batteries according to the 


•  Batteries should not be exposed to excessive 

heat such as bright sunshine or fire. 

•  Do not dispose of the batteries in a fire. 

Check with local waste management codes 
for special disposal instructions.

•  Do not open or mutilate the batteries. 

Released electrolyte is corrosive and may 
cause burns or injury to the eyes or skin. The 
electrolyte may be toxic if swallowed.

•  Exercise care in handling batteries in order 

not to create a short circuit with conductive 

Precautions for users of implanted cardiac 


Cardiac pacemakers (applies only to digital  
cordless devices):
Wireless Technology Research, LLC (WTR), 
an independent research entity, led a 
multidisciplinary evaluation of the interference 
between portable wireless devices and 
implanted cardiac pacemakers. Supported by 
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, WTR 
recommends to physicians that:

Pacemaker patients

•  Should keep wireless devices at least six 

inches from the pacemaker.

•  Should NOT place wireless devices directly 

over the pacemaker, such as in a breast 
pocket, when it is turned ON.

WTR’s evaluation did not identify any risk 
to bystanders with pacemakers from other 
persons using wireless devices.

Electromagnetic fields (EMF)

This VTech product complies with all standards 
regarding electromagnetic fields (EMF). 
If handled properly and according to the 
instructions in this user’s manual, the product 
is safe to be used based on scientific evidence 
available today.

FCC and IC regulations

FCC Part 15

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and 
found to comply with the requirements for 
a Class B digital device under Part 15 of the 
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 
rules. These requirements are intended to 
provide reasonable protection against harmful 
interference in a residential installation. 
This equipment generates, uses and can 
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not 
installed and used in accordance with the 

être obstruées en plaçant l’appareil sur un 
lit, divan, tapis ou autre surface similaires. 
Ne placez pas cet appareil à proximité d’un 
élément de chauffage ni d’une plinthe 
électrique. De plus, ne l’installez pas dans 
une unité murale ou un cabinet fermé qui ne 
possède pas d’aération adéquate.

8.  N’insérez jamais d’objets à travers les 

fentes et ouvertures de cet appareil, car ils 
pourraient toucher à des points de tension 
dangereux ou court-circuiter des pièces, 
ce qui constituerait un risque d’incendie ou 
d’électrocution. N’échappez pas de liquides 
dans l’appareil.

9.  Afin de réduire les risques d’électrocution, 

ne démontez pas l’appareil, mais apportez-le 
plutôt à un centre de service qualifié s’il doit 
être réparé. En enlevant le couvercle, vous 
vous exposez à des tensions dangereuses 
ou autres dangers similaires. Un remontage 
inadéquat peut être à l’origine d’une 
électrocution lors d’une utilisation ultérieure 
de l’appareil. Débranchez l’appareil avant de 
procéder au nettoyage. Utilisez un chiffon 
humide et doux.

10. Communiquez avec le département de 

service à la clientèle de VTech dans les cas 

•  Si l’appareil a été exposé à une source 

d’humidité telle que la pluie ou l’eau.

•  Si le produit ne fonctionne pas normale-

ment en respectant les instructions de 
fonctionnement. Réglez uniquement les 
commandes indiquées dans le les instruc-
tions de fonctionnement. Les réglages 
incorrects des autres commandes pour-
raient provoquer un dommage qui pour-
rait exiger un travail exhaustif de la part 
d’un technicien autorisé afin de rétablir le 
fonctionnement normal de l’appareil.

•  Si le produit a été échappé ou endommagé.
•  Si le produit affiche une nette diminution 

de sa performance.

11. Évitez d’utiliser l’appareil pendant un orage. 

Les éclairs peuvent être à l’origine d’une 

12. Examinez les composantes afin de vérifier si 

celles-ci ne sont pas endommagées.



 Il peut y avoir un risque 

d’explosion si vous utilisez le mauvais type 
de piles. Utilisez uniquement les piles 
indiquées dans ce manuel. N’incinérez pas 

les piles. Celles-ci risqueraient d’exploser.





: Afin de prévenir les risques  

d’incendie ou d’explosion de la pile, replacez 
la pile avec une pile du même type.

•  Jetez les piles épuisées en respectant les 


•  Le bloc-piles ne doit pas être exposé la 

chaleur excessive telle que la lumièêre du 
soleil ou au feu.

•  Ne jetez pas la pile au feu. Vérifiez les 

instructions spécifiques de mise aux rebus 
auprès des autorités locales.

•  N’ouvrez pas et ne mutilez pas la pile. 

L’électrolyte qui s’en échapperait est corrosif 
et pourrait causer des brûlures ou des 
blessures aux yeux ou à la peau. L’électrolyte 
est toxique si avalé.

•  Soyez prudents lorsque vous manipulez 

les piles afin d’éviter les courts-circuits 
provoqués par des matériaux conducteurs.

Stimulateurs cardiaques implantés dans 


Les simulateurs cardiaques (s’applique 
uniquement aux téléphones numériques sans 
fil) :
L’organisme ‘Wireless Technology Research, LLC 
(WTR)’, une firme de recherche indépendante, 
a mené une évaluation pluridisciplinaire 
des interférences entre les téléphones sans 
fil portatifs et les stimulateurs cardiaques 
implantés dans l’organisme. Appuyée par 
l’Administration des aliments et drogues (FDA) 
des États-Unis, la firme WTR recommande aux 
médecins :

Avis aux détenteurs de stimulateurs cardiaques

•  Vous devriez maintenir les dispositifs sans fil 

au moins six pouces du simulateur cardiaque.

•  Ils ne doivent PAS placer les dispositifs sans 

fil directement sur le stimulateur cardiaque, 
tel que dans une poche de chemise, lorsque 
celui-ci est en marche.

L’étude effectuée par l’organisme WRS n’a 
pas identifié de risque pour les détenteurs de 
simulateurs cardiaques causés par les gens qui 
utilisent un téléphone sans fil à proximité de 

Champs électromagnétiques (EMF)

Ce produit de VTech est conforme à toutes 
les normes se rapportant aux champs 
électromagnétiques (EMF) standard. Si vous 
le manipulez correctement en suivant les 
instructions de ce guide, son utilisation sera 
sécuritaire pendant de nombreuses années, 
selon les meilleures évidences scientifiques 
dont nous disposons aujourd’hui.

Limited warranty

What does this limited warranty cover?

The manufacturer of this VTech Product 
warrants to the holder of a valid proof of 
purchase (“Consumer” or “you”) that the 
Product and all accessories provided in the 
sales package (“Product”) are free from defects 
in material and workmanship, pursuant to the 
following terms and conditions, when installed 
and used normally and in accordance with the 
Product operating instructions. This limited 
warranty extends only to the Consumer for 
Products purchased and used in the United 
States of America and Canada.

What will VTech do if the Product is not free 
from defects in materials and workmanship 
during the limited warranty period (“Materially 
Defective Product”)?

During the limited warranty period, VTech’s 
authorized service representative will repair 
or replace at VTech’s option, without charge, 
a Materially Defective Product. If we repair 
the Product, we may use new or refurbished 
replacement parts. If we choose to replace 
the Product, we may replace it with a new or 
refurbished Product of the same or similar 
design. We will retain defective parts, modules, 
or equipment. Repair or replacement of the 
Product, at VTech’s option, is your exclusive 
remedy. VTech will return the repaired or 
replacement Products to you in working 
condition. You should expect the repair or 
replacement to take approximately 30 days.

How long is the limited warranty period?

The limited warranty period for the Product 
extends for ONE (1) YEAR from the date 
of purchase. If VTech repairs or replaces a 
Materially Defective Product under the terms of 
this limited warranty, this limited warranty also 
applies to the repaired or replacement Product 
for a period of either (a) 90 days from the date 

the repaired or replacement Product is shipped 
to you or  
(b) the time remaining on the original  
one-year warranty; whichever is longer. 

What is not covered by this limited warranty?

This limited warranty does not cover:
1.  Product that has been subjected to misuse, 

accident, shipping or other physical 
damage, improper installation, abnormal 
operation or handling, neglect, inundation, 
fire, water or other liquid intrusion; or

2.  Product that has been damaged due 

to repair, alteration or modification by 
anyone other than an authorized service 
representative of VTech; or

3.  Product to the extent that the problem 

experienced is caused by signal conditions, 
network reliability, or cable or antenna 
systems; or

4.  Product to the extent that the problem is 

caused by use with non-VTech accessories; 

5.  Product whose warranty/quality stickers, 

product serial number plates or electronic 
serial numbers have been removed, altered 
or rendered illegible; or

6.  Product purchased, used, serviced, or 

shipped for repair from outside the United 
States of America or Canada, or used 
for commercial or institutional purposes 
(including but not limited to Products used 
for rental purposes); or

7.  Product returned without a valid proof of 

purchase (see item 2 on the next page); or

8.  Charges for installation or set up, adjustment 

of customer controls, and installation or 
repair of systems outside the unit.

How do you get warranty service?

To obtain warranty service in the USA, please 
visit our website at or 
call 1 (800) 595-9511. In Canada, go to or call 1 (800) 267-7377.


: Before calling for service, please review 

the user’s manual - a check of the Product’s 
controls and features may save you a service call.
Except as provided by applicable law, you 
assume the risk of loss or damage during 
transit and transportation and are responsible 
for delivery or handling charges incurred in 
the transport of the Product(s) to the service 
location. VTech will return repaired or 

replaced Product under this limited warranty. 
Transportation, delivery or handling charges 
are prepaid. VTech assumes no risk for damage 
or loss of the Product in transit. If the Product 
failure is not covered by this limited warranty, or 
proof of purchase does not meet the terms of 
this limited warranty, VTech will notify you and 
will request that you authorize the cost of repair 
prior to any further repair activity. You must pay 
for the cost of repair and return shipping costs 
for the repair of Products that are not covered 
by this limited warranty.

What must you return with the Product to get 
warranty service?

1.  Return the entire original package and 

contents including the Product to the VTech 
service location along with a description of 
the malfunction or difficulty; and

2.  Include a “valid proof of purchase” (sales 

receipt) identifying the Product purchased 
(Product model) and the date of purchase or 
receipt; and

3.  Provide your name, complete and correct 

mailing address, and telephone number.

Other limitations

This warranty is the complete and exclusive 
agreement between you and VTech. 
It supersedes all other written or oral 
communications related to this Product. VTech 
provides no other warranties for this Product. 
The warranty exclusively describes all of VTech’s 
responsibilities regarding the Product. There 
are no other express warranties. No one is 
authorized to make modifications to this limited 
warranty and you should not rely on any such 
State/Provincial Law Rights: This warranty gives 
you specific legal rights, and you may also have 
other rights, which vary from state to state or 
province to province.
Limitations: Implied warranties, including 
those of fitness for a particular purpose and 
merchantability (an unwritten warranty that 
the Product is fit for ordinary use) are limited 
to one year from the date of purchase. Some 
states/provinces do not allow limitations on how 
long an implied warranty lasts, so the above 
limitation may not apply to you. In no event 
shall VTech be liable for any indirect, special, 
incidental, consequential, or similar damages 
(including, but not limited to lost profits or 
revenue, inability to use the Product or other 
associated equipment, the cost of substitute 

General product care

To keep this product working well and looking 

good, follow these guidelines:
•  Your emergency button has been tested in a 

controlled environment and certified to be 

water spray resistant in specific conditions 

(meet requirements of classification IPX4). 

Despite this classification, your device is not 

impervious to water damage in any situation.

•  To maintain the water spray resistant 

performance of the device, make sure the 

battery compartment cover is tightly closed.

•  Do not immerse the device in water and do 

not clean it under the tap.

•  Do not expose the device to salt water, 

ionized water, soapy water or water moving 

with force, such as ocean waves or waterfalls.

•  Avoid putting it near heating appliances and 

devices that generate electrical noise (for 

example, motors or fluorescent lamps).

•  DO NOT expose it to direct sunlight or moisture.
•  Avoid dropping the product or treating it 


•  Clean with a soft cloth.
•  DO NOT use cleaning spray or liquid cleaners.
•  Make sure the device is completely dry before 

connecting the battery.


When you are not going to use the emergency 

button for some time, remove the battery from 

the emergency button. Store them in a cool and 

dry place.

Frequently asked questions

Below is the question most frequently asked 

about the emergency button. If you cannot find 

the answer to your question in the below table, 

visit our website at



1 (800) 595-9511

 for customer service. In 

Canada, go to

 or call  

1 (800) 267-7377


equipment, and claims by third parties) 
resulting from the use of this Product. Some 
states/provinces do not allow the exclusion 
or limitation of incidental or consequential 
damages, so the above limitation or exclusion 
may not apply to you.

Please retain your original sales receipt as 

proof of purchase.

Technical specifications


Crystal controlled PLL 


1921.536-1928.448 MHz




Maximum power allowed by 
FCC and IC. Actual operating 
range may vary according to 
environmental conditions at the 
time of use.


Battery: CR123A Lithium battery, 
3V DC 1500mAh

Specifications are subject to change without notice.

© 2018 VTech Communications, Inc.

All rights reserved. 05/18. SN7022-X_CIB_V1.0

Document order number: 91-011384-010-100

instructions, may cause harmful interference 
to radio communications. However, there is 
no guarantee that interference will not occur 
in a particular installation. If this equipment 
does cause harmful interference to radio or 
television reception, which can be determined 
by turning the equipment off and on, the user 
is encouraged to try to correct the interference 
by one or more of the following measures:
•  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
•  Increase the separation between the 

equipment and receiver.

•  Connect the equipment into an outlet on 

a circuit different from that to which the 
receiver is connected.

•  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/

TV technician for help.

WARNING: Changes or modifications to this 
equipment not expressly approved by the 
party responsible for compliance could void 
the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC 
rules. Operation is subject to the following two 
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful 
interference, and (2) this device must accept any 
interference received, including interference 
that may cause undesired operation.
To ensure safety of users, the FCC has 
established criteria for the amount of radio 
frequency energy that can be safely absorbed 
by a user or bystander according to the 
intended usage of the product. For body worn 
operation, this product has been tested and 
found to comply with the FCC RF exposure 
guidelines. Use of other accessories may not 
ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure 
This Class B digital apparatus complies with 
Canadian requirement: 

Industry Canada

This device complies with Industry Canada  
licence-exempt RSS standard(s).
Operation is subject to the following two 
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful 
interference, and (2) this device must accept any 
interference received, including interference 
that may cause undesired operation.
The term ‘’IC:‘’ before the certification/
registration number only signifies that the 
Industry Canada technical specifications were 

This product meets the applicable Innovation, 
Science and Economic Development Canada 
technical specifications.

RF radiation exposure statement

The product complies with FCC RF radiation 
exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled 
environment. For body worn operation, this 
product has been tested and meets the FCC RF 
exposure guidelines. Use of other accessories 
may not ensure compliance with FCC RF 
exposure guidelines. This transmitter must 
not be co-located or operating in conjunction 
with any other antenna or transmitter. This 
equipment complies also with Industry Canada 
RSS-102 with respect to Canada’s Health Code 6 
for Exposure of Humans to RF Fields.

For C-UL compliance only

Mesures de sécurité importantes

Lorsque vous utilisez votre appareil, vous 
devriez toujours suivre certaines mesures de 
précaution de base afin de réduire les risques 
d’incendie, d’électrocution et de blessures 
corporelles, dont ceux qui suivent :
1.  Lisez et comprenez bien toutes les instructions.
2.  Observez toutes les instructions et mises en 

garde inscrites sur l’appareil.

3.  Utilisez un chiffon humide pour nettoyer 

ce produit. N’utilisez pas de nettoyants en 

4.  N’utilisez pas ce produit près de l’eau, tel 

que près d’un bain, d’un lavabo, d’un évier 
de cuisine, d’un bac de lavage ou d’une 
piscine, ou dans un sous-sol humide ou sous 
la douche.

5.  Ne placez pas cet appareil sur un chariot, 

support ou table chancelants. L’appareil 
pourrait tomber et être sérieusement 

6.  Évitez d’installer le appareil dans les endroits 

soumis à une température extrême, à la 
lumière directe du soleil ou à proximité 
immédiate d’autres appareils électriques 
ou électroniques. Protégez votre appareil 
contre les sources d’humidité, la poussière, 
les vapeurs et les liquides corrosifs.

7.  Le boîtier de l’appareil est doté de fentes 

et d’ouvertures d’aération situées à 
l’arrière ou en dessous. Afin d’empêcher la 
surchauffe, ces ouvertures ne doivent pas 

button doesn’t 
work with the 

Make sure the CR123A 
battery is installed.

The emergency button 
may be deregistered from 
your telephone system. 
Refer to 

Add and register 

an emergency button


register the device to the 
telephone base again.
The emergency button may 
be out of range. Move the 
emergency button closer to 
your telephone system.
If the above suggestions 
do not work, deregister all 
devices and register them to 
the telephone base again.

Important safety instructions

When using your emergency button, basic 
safety precautions should always be followed to 
reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and injury, 
including the following:
1.  Read and understand all instructions.
2.  Follow all warnings and instructions marked 

on the product.

3.  Use a dry non-abrasive cloth for cleaning. 

Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners. 

4.  Do not use this product near water such as 

near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, 
laundry tub or a swimming pool, or in a wet 
basement or shower.

5.  Do not place this product on an unstable 

table, shelf, stand or other unstable surfaces.

6.  Avoid placing the device in places with 

extreme temperature, direct sunlight, 
or other electrical devices. Protect your 
emergency button from moisture, dust, 
corrosive liquids and fumes.

7.  This product should not be placed in 

any area where proper ventilation is not 
provided. Slots and openings in the back 
or bottom of this product are provided 
for ventilation. To protect them from 
overheating, these openings must not be 
blocked by placing the product on a soft 
surface such as a bed, sofa or rug. This 
product should never be placed near or 
over a radiator or heat register.

8.  Never push objects of any kind into this 

product through the slots because they may 
touch dangerous voltage points or create a 
short circuit. Never spill liquid of any kind on 
the product.

9.  To reduce the risk of electric shock, do 

not disassemble this product, but take it 
to an authorized service facility. Opening 
or removing parts of the emergency 
button other than specified access doors 
may expose you to dangerous voltages 
or other risks. Incorrect reassembling can 
cause electric shock when the product is 
subsequently used.

10. Refer servicing to an authorized service 

facility under the following conditions:

•  If the product has been exposed to rain 

or water.

•  If the product does not operate normally 

by following the operating instructions. 
Adjust only those controls that are 
covered by the operation instructions. 
Improper adjustment of other controls 
may result in damage and often requires 
extensive work by an authorized 
technician to restore the product to 
normal operation.

•  If the product has been dropped or 


•  If the product exhibits a distinct change in 


11. Avoid using the product during an electrical 

storm. There is a remote risk of electric shock 
from lightning.

12. Periodically examine all components for 




: Use only the battery indicated in 

this manual. There may be a risk of explosion 
if a wrong type of battery is used for the 
emergency button. Do not dispose of 
battery in a fire. They may explode.



•  CAUTION: To prevent risk of fire or battery 

explosion, replace with the correct battery 

•  Dispose of used batteries according to the 


•  Batteries should not be exposed to excessive 

heat such as bright sunshine or fire. 

•  Do not dispose of the batteries in a fire. 

Check with local waste management codes 
for special disposal instructions.

•  Do not open or mutilate the batteries. 

Released electrolyte is corrosive and may 
cause burns or injury to the eyes or skin. The 
electrolyte may be toxic if swallowed.

•  Exercise care in handling batteries in order 

not to create a short circuit with conductive 

Precautions for users of implanted cardiac 


Cardiac pacemakers (applies only to digital  
cordless devices):
Wireless Technology Research, LLC (WTR), 
an independent research entity, led a 
multidisciplinary evaluation of the interference 
between portable wireless devices and 
implanted cardiac pacemakers. Supported by 
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, WTR 
recommends to physicians that:

Pacemaker patients

•  Should keep wireless devices at least six 

inches from the pacemaker.

•  Should NOT place wireless devices directly 

over the pacemaker, such as in a breast 
pocket, when it is turned ON.

WTR’s evaluation did not identify any risk 
to bystanders with pacemakers from other 
persons using wireless devices.

Electromagnetic fields (EMF)

This VTech product complies with all standards 
regarding electromagnetic fields (EMF). 
If handled properly and according to the 
instructions in this user’s manual, the product 
is safe to be used based on scientific evidence 
available today.

FCC and IC regulations

FCC Part 15

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and 
found to comply with the requirements for 
a Class B digital device under Part 15 of the 
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 
rules. These requirements are intended to 
provide reasonable protection against harmful 
interference in a residential installation. 
This equipment generates, uses and can 
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not 
installed and used in accordance with the 

être obstruées en plaçant l’appareil sur un 
lit, divan, tapis ou autre surface similaires. 
Ne placez pas cet appareil à proximité d’un 
élément de chauffage ni d’une plinthe 
électrique. De plus, ne l’installez pas dans 
une unité murale ou un cabinet fermé qui ne 
possède pas d’aération adéquate.

8.  N’insérez jamais d’objets à travers les 

fentes et ouvertures de cet appareil, car ils 
pourraient toucher à des points de tension 
dangereux ou court-circuiter des pièces, 
ce qui constituerait un risque d’incendie ou 
d’électrocution. N’échappez pas de liquides 
dans l’appareil.

9.  Afin de réduire les risques d’électrocution, 

ne démontez pas l’appareil, mais apportez-le 
plutôt à un centre de service qualifié s’il doit 
être réparé. En enlevant le couvercle, vous 
vous exposez à des tensions dangereuses 
ou autres dangers similaires. Un remontage 
inadéquat peut être à l’origine d’une 
électrocution lors d’une utilisation ultérieure 
de l’appareil. Débranchez l’appareil avant de 
procéder au nettoyage. Utilisez un chiffon 
humide et doux.

10. Communiquez avec le département de 

service à la clientèle de VTech dans les cas 

•  Si l’appareil a été exposé à une source 

d’humidité telle que la pluie ou l’eau.

•  Si le produit ne fonctionne pas normale-

ment en respectant les instructions de 
fonctionnement. Réglez uniquement les 
commandes indiquées dans le les instruc-
tions de fonctionnement. Les réglages 
incorrects des autres commandes pour-
raient provoquer un dommage qui pour-
rait exiger un travail exhaustif de la part 
d’un technicien autorisé afin de rétablir le 
fonctionnement normal de l’appareil.

•  Si le produit a été échappé ou endommagé.
•  Si le produit affiche une nette diminution 

de sa performance.

11. Évitez d’utiliser l’appareil pendant un orage. 

Les éclairs peuvent être à l’origine d’une 

12. Examinez les composantes afin de vérifier si 

celles-ci ne sont pas endommagées.



 Il peut y avoir un risque 

d’explosion si vous utilisez le mauvais type 
de piles. Utilisez uniquement les piles 
indiquées dans ce manuel. N’incinérez pas 

les piles. Celles-ci risqueraient d’exploser.





: Afin de prévenir les risques  

d’incendie ou d’explosion de la pile, replacez 
la pile avec une pile du même type.

•  Jetez les piles épuisées en respectant les 


•  Le bloc-piles ne doit pas être exposé la 

chaleur excessive telle que la lumièêre du 
soleil ou au feu.

•  Ne jetez pas la pile au feu. Vérifiez les 

instructions spécifiques de mise aux rebus 
auprès des autorités locales.

•  N’ouvrez pas et ne mutilez pas la pile. 

L’électrolyte qui s’en échapperait est corrosif 
et pourrait causer des brûlures ou des 
blessures aux yeux ou à la peau. L’électrolyte 
est toxique si avalé.

•  Soyez prudents lorsque vous manipulez 

les piles afin d’éviter les courts-circuits 
provoqués par des matériaux conducteurs.

Stimulateurs cardiaques implantés dans 


Les simulateurs cardiaques (s’applique 
uniquement aux téléphones numériques sans 
fil) :
L’organisme ‘Wireless Technology Research, LLC 
(WTR)’, une firme de recherche indépendante, 
a mené une évaluation pluridisciplinaire 
des interférences entre les téléphones sans 
fil portatifs et les stimulateurs cardiaques 
implantés dans l’organisme. Appuyée par 
l’Administration des aliments et drogues (FDA) 
des États-Unis, la firme WTR recommande aux 
médecins :

Avis aux détenteurs de stimulateurs cardiaques

•  Vous devriez maintenir les dispositifs sans fil 

au moins six pouces du simulateur cardiaque.

•  Ils ne doivent PAS placer les dispositifs sans 

fil directement sur le stimulateur cardiaque, 
tel que dans une poche de chemise, lorsque 
celui-ci est en marche.

L’étude effectuée par l’organisme WRS n’a 
pas identifié de risque pour les détenteurs de 
simulateurs cardiaques causés par les gens qui 
utilisent un téléphone sans fil à proximité de 

Champs électromagnétiques (EMF)

Ce produit de VTech est conforme à toutes 
les normes se rapportant aux champs 
électromagnétiques (EMF) standard. Si vous 
le manipulez correctement en suivant les 
instructions de ce guide, son utilisation sera 
sécuritaire pendant de nombreuses années, 
selon les meilleures évidences scientifiques 
dont nous disposons aujourd’hui.

Limited warranty

What does this limited warranty cover?

The manufacturer of this VTech Product 
warrants to the holder of a valid proof of 
purchase (“Consumer” or “you”) that the 
Product and all accessories provided in the 
sales package (“Product”) are free from defects 
in material and workmanship, pursuant to the 
following terms and conditions, when installed 
and used normally and in accordance with the 
Product operating instructions. This limited 
warranty extends only to the Consumer for 
Products purchased and used in the United 
States of America and Canada.

What will VTech do if the Product is not free 
from defects in materials and workmanship 
during the limited warranty period (“Materially 
Defective Product”)?

During the limited warranty period, VTech’s 
authorized service representative will repair 
or replace at VTech’s option, without charge, 
a Materially Defective Product. If we repair 
the Product, we may use new or refurbished 
replacement parts. If we choose to replace 
the Product, we may replace it with a new or 
refurbished Product of the same or similar 
design. We will retain defective parts, modules, 
or equipment. Repair or replacement of the 
Product, at VTech’s option, is your exclusive 
remedy. VTech will return the repaired or 
replacement Products to you in working 
condition. You should expect the repair or 
replacement to take approximately 30 days.

How long is the limited warranty period?

The limited warranty period for the Product 
extends for ONE (1) YEAR from the date 
of purchase. If VTech repairs or replaces a 
Materially Defective Product under the terms of 
this limited warranty, this limited warranty also 
applies to the repaired or replacement Product 
for a period of either (a) 90 days from the date 

the repaired or replacement Product is shipped 
to you or  
(b) the time remaining on the original  
one-year warranty; whichever is longer. 

What is not covered by this limited warranty?

This limited warranty does not cover:
1.  Product that has been subjected to misuse, 

accident, shipping or other physical 
damage, improper installation, abnormal 
operation or handling, neglect, inundation, 
fire, water or other liquid intrusion; or

2.  Product that has been damaged due 

to repair, alteration or modification by 
anyone other than an authorized service 
representative of VTech; or

3.  Product to the extent that the problem 

experienced is caused by signal conditions, 
network reliability, or cable or antenna 
systems; or

4.  Product to the extent that the problem is 

caused by use with non-VTech accessories; 

5.  Product whose warranty/quality stickers, 

product serial number plates or electronic 
serial numbers have been removed, altered 
or rendered illegible; or

6.  Product purchased, used, serviced, or 

shipped for repair from outside the United 
States of America or Canada, or used 
for commercial or institutional purposes 
(including but not limited to Products used 
for rental purposes); or

7.  Product returned without a valid proof of 

purchase (see item 2 on the next page); or

8.  Charges for installation or set up, adjustment 

of customer controls, and installation or 
repair of systems outside the unit.

How do you get warranty service?

To obtain warranty service in the USA, please 
visit our website at or 
call 1 (800) 595-9511. In Canada, go to or call 1 (800) 267-7377.


: Before calling for service, please review 

the user’s manual - a check of the Product’s 
controls and features may save you a service call.
Except as provided by applicable law, you 
assume the risk of loss or damage during 
transit and transportation and are responsible 
for delivery or handling charges incurred in 
the transport of the Product(s) to the service 
location. VTech will return repaired or 

replaced Product under this limited warranty. 
Transportation, delivery or handling charges 
are prepaid. VTech assumes no risk for damage 
or loss of the Product in transit. If the Product 
failure is not covered by this limited warranty, or 
proof of purchase does not meet the terms of 
this limited warranty, VTech will notify you and 
will request that you authorize the cost of repair 
prior to any further repair activity. You must pay 
for the cost of repair and return shipping costs 
for the repair of Products that are not covered 
by this limited warranty.

What must you return with the Product to get 
warranty service?

1.  Return the entire original package and 

contents including the Product to the VTech 
service location along with a description of 
the malfunction or difficulty; and

2.  Include a “valid proof of purchase” (sales 

receipt) identifying the Product purchased 
(Product model) and the date of purchase or 
receipt; and

3.  Provide your name, complete and correct 

mailing address, and telephone number.

Other limitations

This warranty is the complete and exclusive 
agreement between you and VTech. 
It supersedes all other written or oral 
communications related to this Product. VTech 
provides no other warranties for this Product. 
The warranty exclusively describes all of VTech’s 
responsibilities regarding the Product. There 
are no other express warranties. No one is 
authorized to make modifications to this limited 
warranty and you should not rely on any such 
State/Provincial Law Rights: This warranty gives 
you specific legal rights, and you may also have 
other rights, which vary from state to state or 
province to province.
Limitations: Implied warranties, including 
those of fitness for a particular purpose and 
merchantability (an unwritten warranty that 
the Product is fit for ordinary use) are limited 
to one year from the date of purchase. Some 
states/provinces do not allow limitations on how 
long an implied warranty lasts, so the above 
limitation may not apply to you. In no event 
shall VTech be liable for any indirect, special, 
incidental, consequential, or similar damages 
(including, but not limited to lost profits or 
revenue, inability to use the Product or other 
associated equipment, the cost of substitute 

General product care

To keep this product working well and looking 

good, follow these guidelines:
•  Your emergency button has been tested in a 

controlled environment and certified to be 

water spray resistant in specific conditions 

(meet requirements of classification IPX4). 

Despite this classification, your device is not 

impervious to water damage in any situation.

•  To maintain the water spray resistant 

performance of the device, make sure the 

battery compartment cover is tightly closed.

•  Do not immerse the device in water and do 

not clean it under the tap.

•  Do not expose the device to salt water, 

ionized water, soapy water or water moving 

with force, such as ocean waves or waterfalls.

•  Avoid putting it near heating appliances and 

devices that generate electrical noise (for 

example, motors or fluorescent lamps).

•  DO NOT expose it to direct sunlight or moisture.
•  Avoid dropping the product or treating it 


•  Clean with a soft cloth.
•  DO NOT use cleaning spray or liquid cleaners.
•  Make sure the device is completely dry before 

connecting the battery.


When you are not going to use the emergency 

button for some time, remove the battery from 

the emergency button. Store them in a cool and 

dry place.

Frequently asked questions

Below is the question most frequently asked 

about the emergency button. If you cannot find 

the answer to your question in the below table, 

visit our website at



1 (800) 595-9511

 for customer service. In 

Canada, go to

 or call  

1 (800) 267-7377


equipment, and claims by third parties) 
resulting from the use of this Product. Some 
states/provinces do not allow the exclusion 
or limitation of incidental or consequential 
damages, so the above limitation or exclusion 
may not apply to you.

Please retain your original sales receipt as 

proof of purchase.

Technical specifications


Crystal controlled PLL 


1921.536-1928.448 MHz




Maximum power allowed by 
FCC and IC. Actual operating 
range may vary according to 
environmental conditions at the 
time of use.


Battery: CR123A Lithium battery, 
3V DC 1500mAh

Specifications are subject to change without notice.

© 2018 VTech Communications, Inc.

All rights reserved. 05/18. SN7022-X_CIB_V1.0

Document order number: 91-011384-010-100

instructions, may cause harmful interference 
to radio communications. However, there is 
no guarantee that interference will not occur 
in a particular installation. If this equipment 
does cause harmful interference to radio or 
television reception, which can be determined 
by turning the equipment off and on, the user 
is encouraged to try to correct the interference 
by one or more of the following measures:
•  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
•  Increase the separation between the 

equipment and receiver.

•  Connect the equipment into an outlet on 

a circuit different from that to which the 
receiver is connected.

•  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/

TV technician for help.

WARNING: Changes or modifications to this 
equipment not expressly approved by the 
party responsible for compliance could void 
the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC 
rules. Operation is subject to the following two 
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful 
interference, and (2) this device must accept any 
interference received, including interference 
that may cause undesired operation.
To ensure safety of users, the FCC has 
established criteria for the amount of radio 
frequency energy that can be safely absorbed 
by a user or bystander according to the 
intended usage of the product. For body worn 
operation, this product has been tested and 
found to comply with the FCC RF exposure 
guidelines. Use of other accessories may not 
ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure 
This Class B digital apparatus complies with 
Canadian requirement: 

Industry Canada

This device complies with Industry Canada  
licence-exempt RSS standard(s).
Operation is subject to the following two 
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful 
interference, and (2) this device must accept any 
interference received, including interference 
that may cause undesired operation.
The term ‘’IC:‘’ before the certification/
registration number only signifies that the 
Industry Canada technical specifications were 

This product meets the applicable Innovation, 
Science and Economic Development Canada 
technical specifications.

RF radiation exposure statement

The product complies with FCC RF radiation 
exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled 
environment. For body worn operation, this 
product has been tested and meets the FCC RF 
exposure guidelines. Use of other accessories 
may not ensure compliance with FCC RF 
exposure guidelines. This transmitter must 
not be co-located or operating in conjunction 
with any other antenna or transmitter. This 
equipment complies also with Industry Canada 
RSS-102 with respect to Canada’s Health Code 6 
for Exposure of Humans to RF Fields.

For C-UL compliance only

Mesures de sécurité importantes

Lorsque vous utilisez votre appareil, vous 
devriez toujours suivre certaines mesures de 
précaution de base afin de réduire les risques 
d’incendie, d’électrocution et de blessures 
corporelles, dont ceux qui suivent :
1.  Lisez et comprenez bien toutes les instructions.
2.  Observez toutes les instructions et mises en 

garde inscrites sur l’appareil.

3.  Utilisez un chiffon humide pour nettoyer 

ce produit. N’utilisez pas de nettoyants en 

4.  N’utilisez pas ce produit près de l’eau, tel 

que près d’un bain, d’un lavabo, d’un évier 
de cuisine, d’un bac de lavage ou d’une 
piscine, ou dans un sous-sol humide ou sous 
la douche.

5.  Ne placez pas cet appareil sur un chariot, 

support ou table chancelants. L’appareil 
pourrait tomber et être sérieusement 

6.  Évitez d’installer le appareil dans les endroits 

soumis à une température extrême, à la 
lumière directe du soleil ou à proximité 
immédiate d’autres appareils électriques 
ou électroniques. Protégez votre appareil 
contre les sources d’humidité, la poussière, 
les vapeurs et les liquides corrosifs.

7.  Le boîtier de l’appareil est doté de fentes 

et d’ouvertures d’aération situées à 
l’arrière ou en dessous. Afin d’empêcher la 
surchauffe, ces ouvertures ne doivent pas 

button doesn’t 
work with the 

Make sure the CR123A 
battery is installed.

The emergency button 
may be deregistered from 
your telephone system. 
Refer to 

Add and register 

an emergency button


register the device to the 
telephone base again.
The emergency button may 
be out of range. Move the 
emergency button closer to 
your telephone system.
If the above suggestions 
do not work, deregister all 
devices and register them to 
the telephone base again.

Important safety instructions

When using your emergency button, basic 
safety precautions should always be followed to 
reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and injury, 
including the following:
1.  Read and understand all instructions.
2.  Follow all warnings and instructions marked 

on the product.

3.  Use a dry non-abrasive cloth for cleaning. 

Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners. 

4.  Do not use this product near water such as 

near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, 
laundry tub or a swimming pool, or in a wet 
basement or shower.

5.  Do not place this product on an unstable 

table, shelf, stand or other unstable surfaces.

6.  Avoid placing the device in places with 

extreme temperature, direct sunlight, 
or other electrical devices. Protect your 
emergency button from moisture, dust, 
corrosive liquids and fumes.

7.  This product should not be placed in 

any area where proper ventilation is not 
provided. Slots and openings in the back 
or bottom of this product are provided 
for ventilation. To protect them from 
overheating, these openings must not be 
blocked by placing the product on a soft 
surface such as a bed, sofa or rug. This 
product should never be placed near or 
over a radiator or heat register.

8.  Never push objects of any kind into this 

product through the slots because they may 
touch dangerous voltage points or create a 
short circuit. Never spill liquid of any kind on 
the product.

9.  To reduce the risk of electric shock, do 

not disassemble this product, but take it 
to an authorized service facility. Opening 
or removing parts of the emergency 
button other than specified access doors 
may expose you to dangerous voltages 
or other risks. Incorrect reassembling can 
cause electric shock when the product is 
subsequently used.

10. Refer servicing to an authorized service 

facility under the following conditions:

•  If the product has been exposed to rain 

or water.

•  If the product does not operate normally 

by following the operating instructions. 
Adjust only those controls that are 
covered by the operation instructions. 
Improper adjustment of other controls 
may result in damage and often requires 
extensive work by an authorized 
technician to restore the product to 
normal operation.

•  If the product has been dropped or 


•  If the product exhibits a distinct change in 


11. Avoid using the product during an electrical 

storm. There is a remote risk of electric shock 
from lightning.

12. Periodically examine all components for 




: Use only the battery indicated in 

this manual. There may be a risk of explosion 
if a wrong type of battery is used for the 
emergency button. Do not dispose of 
battery in a fire. They may explode.



•  CAUTION: To prevent risk of fire or battery 

explosion, replace with the correct battery 

•  Dispose of used batteries according to the 


•  Batteries should not be exposed to excessive 

heat such as bright sunshine or fire. 

•  Do not dispose of the batteries in a fire. 

Check with local waste management codes 
for special disposal instructions.

•  Do not open or mutilate the batteries. 

Released electrolyte is corrosive and may 
cause burns or injury to the eyes or skin. The 
electrolyte may be toxic if swallowed.

•  Exercise care in handling batteries in order 

not to create a short circuit with conductive 

Precautions for users of implanted cardiac 


Cardiac pacemakers (applies only to digital  
cordless devices):
Wireless Technology Research, LLC (WTR), 
an independent research entity, led a 
multidisciplinary evaluation of the interference 
between portable wireless devices and 
implanted cardiac pacemakers. Supported by 
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, WTR 
recommends to physicians that:

Pacemaker patients

•  Should keep wireless devices at least six 

inches from the pacemaker.

•  Should NOT place wireless devices directly 

over the pacemaker, such as in a breast 
pocket, when it is turned ON.

WTR’s evaluation did not identify any risk 
to bystanders with pacemakers from other 
persons using wireless devices.

Electromagnetic fields (EMF)

This VTech product complies with all standards 
regarding electromagnetic fields (EMF). 
If handled properly and according to the 
instructions in this user’s manual, the product 
is safe to be used based on scientific evidence 
available today.

FCC and IC regulations

FCC Part 15

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and 
found to comply with the requirements for 
a Class B digital device under Part 15 of the 
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 
rules. These requirements are intended to 
provide reasonable protection against harmful 
interference in a residential installation. 
This equipment generates, uses and can 
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not 
installed and used in accordance with the 

être obstruées en plaçant l’appareil sur un 
lit, divan, tapis ou autre surface similaires. 
Ne placez pas cet appareil à proximité d’un 
élément de chauffage ni d’une plinthe 
électrique. De plus, ne l’installez pas dans 
une unité murale ou un cabinet fermé qui ne 
possède pas d’aération adéquate.

8.  N’insérez jamais d’objets à travers les 

fentes et ouvertures de cet appareil, car ils 
pourraient toucher à des points de tension 
dangereux ou court-circuiter des pièces, 
ce qui constituerait un risque d’incendie ou 
d’électrocution. N’échappez pas de liquides 
dans l’appareil.

9.  Afin de réduire les risques d’électrocution, 

ne démontez pas l’appareil, mais apportez-le 
plutôt à un centre de service qualifié s’il doit 
être réparé. En enlevant le couvercle, vous 
vous exposez à des tensions dangereuses 
ou autres dangers similaires. Un remontage 
inadéquat peut être à l’origine d’une 
électrocution lors d’une utilisation ultérieure 
de l’appareil. Débranchez l’appareil avant de 
procéder au nettoyage. Utilisez un chiffon 
humide et doux.

10. Communiquez avec le département de 

service à la clientèle de VTech dans les cas 

•  Si l’appareil a été exposé à une source 

d’humidité telle que la pluie ou l’eau.

•  Si le produit ne fonctionne pas normale-

ment en respectant les instructions de 
fonctionnement. Réglez uniquement les 
commandes indiquées dans le les instruc-
tions de fonctionnement. Les réglages 
incorrects des autres commandes pour-
raient provoquer un dommage qui pour-
rait exiger un travail exhaustif de la part 
d’un technicien autorisé afin de rétablir le 
fonctionnement normal de l’appareil.

•  Si le produit a été échappé ou endommagé.
•  Si le produit affiche une nette diminution 

de sa performance.

11. Évitez d’utiliser l’appareil pendant un orage. 

Les éclairs peuvent être à l’origine d’une 

12. Examinez les composantes afin de vérifier si 

celles-ci ne sont pas endommagées.



 Il peut y avoir un risque 

d’explosion si vous utilisez le mauvais type 
de piles. Utilisez uniquement les piles 
indiquées dans ce manuel. N’incinérez pas 

les piles. Celles-ci risqueraient d’exploser.





: Afin de prévenir les risques  

d’incendie ou d’explosion de la pile, replacez 
la pile avec une pile du même type.

•  Jetez les piles épuisées en respectant les 


•  Le bloc-piles ne doit pas être exposé la 

chaleur excessive telle que la lumièêre du 
soleil ou au feu.

•  Ne jetez pas la pile au feu. Vérifiez les 

instructions spécifiques de mise aux rebus 
auprès des autorités locales.

•  N’ouvrez pas et ne mutilez pas la pile. 

L’électrolyte qui s’en échapperait est corrosif 
et pourrait causer des brûlures ou des 
blessures aux yeux ou à la peau. L’électrolyte 
est toxique si avalé.

•  Soyez prudents lorsque vous manipulez 

les piles afin d’éviter les courts-circuits 
provoqués par des matériaux conducteurs.

Stimulateurs cardiaques implantés dans 


Les simulateurs cardiaques (s’applique 
uniquement aux téléphones numériques sans 
fil) :
L’organisme ‘Wireless Technology Research, LLC 
(WTR)’, une firme de recherche indépendante, 
a mené une évaluation pluridisciplinaire 
des interférences entre les téléphones sans 
fil portatifs et les stimulateurs cardiaques 
implantés dans l’organisme. Appuyée par 
l’Administration des aliments et drogues (FDA) 
des États-Unis, la firme WTR recommande aux 
médecins :

Avis aux détenteurs de stimulateurs cardiaques

•  Vous devriez maintenir les dispositifs sans fil 

au moins six pouces du simulateur cardiaque.

•  Ils ne doivent PAS placer les dispositifs sans 

fil directement sur le stimulateur cardiaque, 
tel que dans une poche de chemise, lorsque 
celui-ci est en marche.

L’étude effectuée par l’organisme WRS n’a 
pas identifié de risque pour les détenteurs de 
simulateurs cardiaques causés par les gens qui 
utilisent un téléphone sans fil à proximité de 

Champs électromagnétiques (EMF)

Ce produit de VTech est conforme à toutes 
les normes se rapportant aux champs 
électromagnétiques (EMF) standard. Si vous 
le manipulez correctement en suivant les 
instructions de ce guide, son utilisation sera 
sécuritaire pendant de nombreuses années, 
selon les meilleures évidences scientifiques 
dont nous disposons aujourd’hui.

Limited warranty

What does this limited warranty cover?

The manufacturer of this VTech Product 
warrants to the holder of a valid proof of 
purchase (“Consumer” or “you”) that the 
Product and all accessories provided in the 
sales package (“Product”) are free from defects 
in material and workmanship, pursuant to the 
following terms and conditions, when installed 
and used normally and in accordance with the 
Product operating instructions. This limited 
warranty extends only to the Consumer for 
Products purchased and used in the United 
States of America and Canada.

What will VTech do if the Product is not free 
from defects in materials and workmanship 
during the limited warranty period (“Materially 
Defective Product”)?

During the limited warranty period, VTech’s 
authorized service representative will repair 
or replace at VTech’s option, without charge, 
a Materially Defective Product. If we repair 
the Product, we may use new or refurbished 
replacement parts. If we choose to replace 
the Product, we may replace it with a new or 
refurbished Product of the same or similar 
design. We will retain defective parts, modules, 
or equipment. Repair or replacement of the 
Product, at VTech’s option, is your exclusive 
remedy. VTech will return the repaired or 
replacement Products to you in working 
condition. You should expect the repair or 
replacement to take approximately 30 days.

How long is the limited warranty period?

The limited warranty period for the Product 
extends for ONE (1) YEAR from the date 
of purchase. If VTech repairs or replaces a 
Materially Defective Product under the terms of 
this limited warranty, this limited warranty also 
applies to the repaired or replacement Product 
for a period of either (a) 90 days from the date 

the repaired or replacement Product is shipped 
to you or  
(b) the time remaining on the original  
one-year warranty; whichever is longer. 

What is not covered by this limited warranty?

This limited warranty does not cover:
1.  Product that has been subjected to misuse, 

accident, shipping or other physical 
damage, improper installation, abnormal 
operation or handling, neglect, inundation, 
fire, water or other liquid intrusion; or

2.  Product that has been damaged due 

to repair, alteration or modification by 
anyone other than an authorized service 
representative of VTech; or

3.  Product to the extent that the problem 

experienced is caused by signal conditions, 
network reliability, or cable or antenna 
systems; or

4.  Product to the extent that the problem is 

caused by use with non-VTech accessories; 

5.  Product whose warranty/quality stickers, 

product serial number plates or electronic 
serial numbers have been removed, altered 
or rendered illegible; or

6.  Product purchased, used, serviced, or 

shipped for repair from outside the United 
States of America or Canada, or used 
for commercial or institutional purposes 
(including but not limited to Products used 
for rental purposes); or

7.  Product returned without a valid proof of 

purchase (see item 2 on the next page); or

8.  Charges for installation or set up, adjustment 

of customer controls, and installation or 
repair of systems outside the unit.

How do you get warranty service?

To obtain warranty service in the USA, please 
visit our website at or 
call 1 (800) 595-9511. In Canada, go to or call 1 (800) 267-7377.


: Before calling for service, please review 

the user’s manual - a check of the Product’s 
controls and features may save you a service call.
Except as provided by applicable law, you 
assume the risk of loss or damage during 
transit and transportation and are responsible 
for delivery or handling charges incurred in 
the transport of the Product(s) to the service 
location. VTech will return repaired or 

replaced Product under this limited warranty. 
Transportation, delivery or handling charges 
are prepaid. VTech assumes no risk for damage 
or loss of the Product in transit. If the Product 
failure is not covered by this limited warranty, or 
proof of purchase does not meet the terms of 
this limited warranty, VTech will notify you and 
will request that you authorize the cost of repair 
prior to any further repair activity. You must pay 
for the cost of repair and return shipping costs 
for the repair of Products that are not covered 
by this limited warranty.

What must you return with the Product to get 
warranty service?

1.  Return the entire original package and 

contents including the Product to the VTech 
service location along with a description of 
the malfunction or difficulty; and

2.  Include a “valid proof of purchase” (sales 

receipt) identifying the Product purchased 
(Product model) and the date of purchase or 
receipt; and

3.  Provide your name, complete and correct 

mailing address, and telephone number.

Other limitations

This warranty is the complete and exclusive 
agreement between you and VTech. 
It supersedes all other written or oral 
communications related to this Product. VTech 
provides no other warranties for this Product. 
The warranty exclusively describes all of VTech’s 
responsibilities regarding the Product. There 
are no other express warranties. No one is 
authorized to make modifications to this limited 
warranty and you should not rely on any such 
State/Provincial Law Rights: This warranty gives 
you specific legal rights, and you may also have 
other rights, which vary from state to state or 
province to province.
Limitations: Implied warranties, including 
those of fitness for a particular purpose and 
merchantability (an unwritten warranty that 
the Product is fit for ordinary use) are limited 
to one year from the date of purchase. Some 
states/provinces do not allow limitations on how 
long an implied warranty lasts, so the above 
limitation may not apply to you. In no event 
shall VTech be liable for any indirect, special, 
incidental, consequential, or similar damages 
(including, but not limited to lost profits or 
revenue, inability to use the Product or other 
associated equipment, the cost of substitute 

General product care

To keep this product working well and looking 

good, follow these guidelines:
•  Your emergency button has been tested in a 

controlled environment and certified to be 

water spray resistant in specific conditions 

(meet requirements of classification IPX4). 

Despite this classification, your device is not 

impervious to water damage in any situation.

•  To maintain the water spray resistant 

performance of the device, make sure the 

battery compartment cover is tightly closed.

•  Do not immerse the device in water and do 

not clean it under the tap.

•  Do not expose the device to salt water, 

ionized water, soapy water or water moving 

with force, such as ocean waves or waterfalls.

•  Avoid putting it near heating appliances and 

devices that generate electrical noise (for 

example, motors or fluorescent lamps).

•  DO NOT expose it to direct sunlight or moisture.
•  Avoid dropping the product or treating it 


•  Clean with a soft cloth.
•  DO NOT use cleaning spray or liquid cleaners.
•  Make sure the device is completely dry before 

connecting the battery.


When you are not going to use the emergency 

button for some time, remove the battery from 

the emergency button. Store them in a cool and 

dry place.

Frequently asked questions

Below is the question most frequently asked 

about the emergency button. If you cannot find 

the answer to your question in the below table, 

visit our website at



1 (800) 595-9511

 for customer service. In 

Canada, go to

 or call  

1 (800) 267-7377


equipment, and claims by third parties) 
resulting from the use of this Product. Some 
states/provinces do not allow the exclusion 
or limitation of incidental or consequential 
damages, so the above limitation or exclusion 
may not apply to you.

Please retain your original sales receipt as 

proof of purchase.

Technical specifications


Crystal controlled PLL 


1921.536-1928.448 MHz




Maximum power allowed by 
FCC and IC. Actual operating 
range may vary according to 
environmental conditions at the 
time of use.


Battery: CR123A Lithium battery, 
3V DC 1500mAh

Specifications are subject to change without notice.

© 2018 VTech Communications, Inc.

All rights reserved. 05/18. SN7022-X_CIB_V1.0

Document order number: 91-011384-010-100

instructions, may cause harmful interference 
to radio communications. However, there is 
no guarantee that interference will not occur 
in a particular installation. If this equipment 
does cause harmful interference to radio or 
television reception, which can be determined 
by turning the equipment off and on, the user 
is encouraged to try to correct the interference 
by one or more of the following measures:
•  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
•  Increase the separation between the 

equipment and receiver.

•  Connect the equipment into an outlet on 

a circuit different from that to which the 
receiver is connected.

•  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/

TV technician for help.

WARNING: Changes or modifications to this 
equipment not expressly approved by the 
party responsible for compliance could void 
the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC 
rules. Operation is subject to the following two 
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful 
interference, and (2) this device must accept any 
interference received, including interference 
that may cause undesired operation.
To ensure safety of users, the FCC has 
established criteria for the amount of radio 
frequency energy that can be safely absorbed 
by a user or bystander according to the 
intended usage of the product. For body worn 
operation, this product has been tested and 
found to comply with the FCC RF exposure 
guidelines. Use of other accessories may not 
ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure 
This Class B digital apparatus complies with 
Canadian requirement: 

Industry Canada

This device complies with Industry Canada  
licence-exempt RSS standard(s).
Operation is subject to the following two 
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful 
interference, and (2) this device must accept any 
interference received, including interference 
that may cause undesired operation.
The term ‘’IC:‘’ before the certification/
registration number only signifies that the 
Industry Canada technical specifications were 

This product meets the applicable Innovation, 
Science and Economic Development Canada 
technical specifications.

RF radiation exposure statement

The product complies with FCC RF radiation 
exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled 
environment. For body worn operation, this 
product has been tested and meets the FCC RF 
exposure guidelines. Use of other accessories 
may not ensure compliance with FCC RF 
exposure guidelines. This transmitter must 
not be co-located or operating in conjunction 
with any other antenna or transmitter. This 
equipment complies also with Industry Canada 
RSS-102 with respect to Canada’s Health Code 6 
for Exposure of Humans to RF Fields.

For C-UL compliance only

Mesures de sécurité importantes

Lorsque vous utilisez votre appareil, vous 
devriez toujours suivre certaines mesures de 
précaution de base afin de réduire les risques 
d’incendie, d’électrocution et de blessures 
corporelles, dont ceux qui suivent :
1.  Lisez et comprenez bien toutes les instructions.
2.  Observez toutes les instructions et mises en 

garde inscrites sur l’appareil.

3.  Utilisez un chiffon humide pour nettoyer 

ce produit. N’utilisez pas de nettoyants en 

4.  N’utilisez pas ce produit près de l’eau, tel 

que près d’un bain, d’un lavabo, d’un évier 
de cuisine, d’un bac de lavage ou d’une 
piscine, ou dans un sous-sol humide ou sous 
la douche.

5.  Ne placez pas cet appareil sur un chariot, 

support ou table chancelants. L’appareil 
pourrait tomber et être sérieusement 

6.  Évitez d’installer le appareil dans les endroits 

soumis à une température extrême, à la 
lumière directe du soleil ou à proximité 
immédiate d’autres appareils électriques 
ou électroniques. Protégez votre appareil 
contre les sources d’humidité, la poussière, 
les vapeurs et les liquides corrosifs.

7.  Le boîtier de l’appareil est doté de fentes 

et d’ouvertures d’aération situées à 
l’arrière ou en dessous. Afin d’empêcher la 
surchauffe, ces ouvertures ne doivent pas 

button doesn’t 
work with the 

Make sure the CR123A 
battery is installed.

The emergency button 
may be deregistered from 
your telephone system. 
Refer to 

Add and register 

an emergency button


register the device to the 
telephone base again.
The emergency button may 
be out of range. Move the 
emergency button closer to 
your telephone system.
If the above suggestions 
do not work, deregister all 
devices and register them to 
the telephone base again.

Important safety instructions

When using your emergency button, basic 
safety precautions should always be followed to 
reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and injury, 
including the following:
1.  Read and understand all instructions.
2.  Follow all warnings and instructions marked 

on the product.

3.  Use a dry non-abrasive cloth for cleaning. 

Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners. 

4.  Do not use this product near water such as 

near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, 
laundry tub or a swimming pool, or in a wet 
basement or shower.

5.  Do not place this product on an unstable 

table, shelf, stand or other unstable surfaces.

6.  Avoid placing the device in places with 

extreme temperature, direct sunlight, 
or other electrical devices. Protect your 
emergency button from moisture, dust, 
corrosive liquids and fumes.

7.  This product should not be placed in 

any area where proper ventilation is not 
provided. Slots and openings in the back 
or bottom of this product are provided 
for ventilation. To protect them from 
overheating, these openings must not be 
blocked by placing the product on a soft 
surface such as a bed, sofa or rug. This 
product should never be placed near or 
over a radiator or heat register.

8.  Never push objects of any kind into this 

product through the slots because they may 
touch dangerous voltage points or create a 
short circuit. Never spill liquid of any kind on 
the product.

9.  To reduce the risk of electric shock, do 

not disassemble this product, but take it 
to an authorized service facility. Opening 
or removing parts of the emergency 
button other than specified access doors 
may expose you to dangerous voltages 
or other risks. Incorrect reassembling can 
cause electric shock when the product is 
subsequently used.

10. Refer servicing to an authorized service 

facility under the following conditions:

•  If the product has been exposed to rain 

or water.

•  If the product does not operate normally 

by following the operating instructions. 
Adjust only those controls that are 
covered by the operation instructions. 
Improper adjustment of other controls 
may result in damage and often requires 
extensive work by an authorized 
technician to restore the product to 
normal operation.

•  If the product has been dropped or 


•  If the product exhibits a distinct change in 


11. Avoid using the product during an electrical 

storm. There is a remote risk of electric shock 
from lightning.

12. Periodically examine all components for 




: Use only the battery indicated in 

this manual. There may be a risk of explosion 
if a wrong type of battery is used for the 
emergency button. Do not dispose of 
battery in a fire. They may explode.



•  CAUTION: To prevent risk of fire or battery 

explosion, replace with the correct battery 

•  Dispose of used batteries according to the 


•  Batteries should not be exposed to excessive 

heat such as bright sunshine or fire. 

•  Do not dispose of the batteries in a fire. 

Check with local waste management codes 
for special disposal instructions.

•  Do not open or mutilate the batteries. 

Released electrolyte is corrosive and may 
cause burns or injury to the eyes or skin. The 
electrolyte may be toxic if swallowed.

•  Exercise care in handling batteries in order 

not to create a short circuit with conductive 

Precautions for users of implanted cardiac 


Cardiac pacemakers (applies only to digital  
cordless devices):
Wireless Technology Research, LLC (WTR), 
an independent research entity, led a 
multidisciplinary evaluation of the interference 
between portable wireless devices and 
implanted cardiac pacemakers. Supported by 
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, WTR 
recommends to physicians that:

Pacemaker patients

•  Should keep wireless devices at least six 

inches from the pacemaker.

•  Should NOT place wireless devices directly 

over the pacemaker, such as in a breast 
pocket, when it is turned ON.

WTR’s evaluation did not identify any risk 
to bystanders with pacemakers from other 
persons using wireless devices.

Electromagnetic fields (EMF)

This VTech product complies with all standards 
regarding electromagnetic fields (EMF). 
If handled properly and according to the 
instructions in this user’s manual, the product 
is safe to be used based on scientific evidence 
available today.

FCC and IC regulations

FCC Part 15

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and 
found to comply with the requirements for 
a Class B digital device under Part 15 of the 
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 
rules. These requirements are intended to 
provide reasonable protection against harmful 
interference in a residential installation. 
This equipment generates, uses and can 
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not 
installed and used in accordance with the 

être obstruées en plaçant l’appareil sur un 
lit, divan, tapis ou autre surface similaires. 
Ne placez pas cet appareil à proximité d’un 
élément de chauffage ni d’une plinthe 
électrique. De plus, ne l’installez pas dans 
une unité murale ou un cabinet fermé qui ne 
possède pas d’aération adéquate.

8.  N’insérez jamais d’objets à travers les 

fentes et ouvertures de cet appareil, car ils 
pourraient toucher à des points de tension 
dangereux ou court-circuiter des pièces, 
ce qui constituerait un risque d’incendie ou 
d’électrocution. N’échappez pas de liquides 
dans l’appareil.

9.  Afin de réduire les risques d’électrocution, 

ne démontez pas l’appareil, mais apportez-le 
plutôt à un centre de service qualifié s’il doit 
être réparé. En enlevant le couvercle, vous 
vous exposez à des tensions dangereuses 
ou autres dangers similaires. Un remontage 
inadéquat peut être à l’origine d’une 
électrocution lors d’une utilisation ultérieure 
de l’appareil. Débranchez l’appareil avant de 
procéder au nettoyage. Utilisez un chiffon 
humide et doux.

10. Communiquez avec le département de 

service à la clientèle de VTech dans les cas 

•  Si l’appareil a été exposé à une source 

d’humidité telle que la pluie ou l’eau.

•  Si le produit ne fonctionne pas normale-

ment en respectant les instructions de 
fonctionnement. Réglez uniquement les 
commandes indiquées dans le les instruc-
tions de fonctionnement. Les réglages 
incorrects des autres commandes pour-
raient provoquer un dommage qui pour-
rait exiger un travail exhaustif de la part 
d’un technicien autorisé afin de rétablir le 
fonctionnement normal de l’appareil.

•  Si le produit a été échappé ou endommagé.
•  Si le produit affiche une nette diminution 

de sa performance.

11. Évitez d’utiliser l’appareil pendant un orage. 

Les éclairs peuvent être à l’origine d’une 

12. Examinez les composantes afin de vérifier si 

celles-ci ne sont pas endommagées.



 Il peut y avoir un risque 

d’explosion si vous utilisez le mauvais type 
de piles. Utilisez uniquement les piles 
indiquées dans ce manuel. N’incinérez pas 

les piles. Celles-ci risqueraient d’exploser.





: Afin de prévenir les risques  

d’incendie ou d’explosion de la pile, replacez 
la pile avec une pile du même type.

•  Jetez les piles épuisées en respectant les 


•  Le bloc-piles ne doit pas être exposé la 

chaleur excessive telle que la lumièêre du 
soleil ou au feu.

•  Ne jetez pas la pile au feu. Vérifiez les 

instructions spécifiques de mise aux rebus 
auprès des autorités locales.

•  N’ouvrez pas et ne mutilez pas la pile. 

L’électrolyte qui s’en échapperait est corrosif 
et pourrait causer des brûlures ou des 
blessures aux yeux ou à la peau. L’électrolyte 
est toxique si avalé.

•  Soyez prudents lorsque vous manipulez 

les piles afin d’éviter les courts-circuits 
provoqués par des matériaux conducteurs.

Stimulateurs cardiaques implantés dans 


Les simulateurs cardiaques (s’applique 
uniquement aux téléphones numériques sans 
fil) :
L’organisme ‘Wireless Technology Research, LLC 
(WTR)’, une firme de recherche indépendante, 
a mené une évaluation pluridisciplinaire 
des interférences entre les téléphones sans 
fil portatifs et les stimulateurs cardiaques 
implantés dans l’organisme. Appuyée par 
l’Administration des aliments et drogues (FDA) 
des États-Unis, la firme WTR recommande aux 
médecins :

Avis aux détenteurs de stimulateurs cardiaques

•  Vous devriez maintenir les dispositifs sans fil 

au moins six pouces du simulateur cardiaque.

•  Ils ne doivent PAS placer les dispositifs sans 

fil directement sur le stimulateur cardiaque, 
tel que dans une poche de chemise, lorsque 
celui-ci est en marche.

L’étude effectuée par l’organisme WRS n’a 
pas identifié de risque pour les détenteurs de 
simulateurs cardiaques causés par les gens qui 
utilisent un téléphone sans fil à proximité de 

Champs électromagnétiques (EMF)

Ce produit de VTech est conforme à toutes 
les normes se rapportant aux champs 
électromagnétiques (EMF) standard. Si vous 
le manipulez correctement en suivant les 
instructions de ce guide, son utilisation sera 
sécuritaire pendant de nombreuses années, 
selon les meilleures évidences scientifiques 
dont nous disposons aujourd’hui.

Limited warranty

What does this limited warranty cover?

The manufacturer of this VTech Product 
warrants to the holder of a valid proof of 
purchase (“Consumer” or “you”) that the 
Product and all accessories provided in the 
sales package (“Product”) are free from defects 
in material and workmanship, pursuant to the 
following terms and conditions, when installed 
and used normally and in accordance with the 
Product operating instructions. This limited 
warranty extends only to the Consumer for 
Products purchased and used in the United 
States of America and Canada.

What will VTech do if the Product is not free 
from defects in materials and workmanship 
during the limited warranty period (“Materially 
Defective Product”)?

During the limited warranty period, VTech’s 
authorized service representative will repair 
or replace at VTech’s option, without charge, 
a Materially Defective Product. If we repair 
the Product, we may use new or refurbished 
replacement parts. If we choose to replace 
the Product, we may replace it with a new or 
refurbished Product of the same or similar 
design. We will retain defective parts, modules, 
or equipment. Repair or replacement of the 
Product, at VTech’s option, is your exclusive 
remedy. VTech will return the repaired or 
replacement Products to you in working 
condition. You should expect the repair or 
replacement to take approximately 30 days.

How long is the limited warranty period?

The limited warranty period for the Product 
extends for ONE (1) YEAR from the date 
of purchase. If VTech repairs or replaces a 
Materially Defective Product under the terms of 
this limited warranty, this limited warranty also 
applies to the repaired or replacement Product 
for a period of either (a) 90 days from the date 

the repaired or replacement Product is shipped 
to you or  
(b) the time remaining on the original  
one-year warranty; whichever is longer. 

What is not covered by this limited warranty?

This limited warranty does not cover:
1.  Product that has been subjected to misuse, 

accident, shipping or other physical 
damage, improper installation, abnormal 
operation or handling, neglect, inundation, 
fire, water or other liquid intrusion; or

2.  Product that has been damaged due 

to repair, alteration or modification by 
anyone other than an authorized service 
representative of VTech; or

3.  Product to the extent that the problem 

experienced is caused by signal conditions, 
network reliability, or cable or antenna 
systems; or

4.  Product to the extent that the problem is 

caused by use with non-VTech accessories; 

5.  Product whose warranty/quality stickers, 

product serial number plates or electronic 
serial numbers have been removed, altered 
or rendered illegible; or

6.  Product purchased, used, serviced, or 

shipped for repair from outside the United 
States of America or Canada, or used 
for commercial or institutional purposes 
(including but not limited to Products used 
for rental purposes); or

7.  Product returned without a valid proof of 

purchase (see item 2 on the next page); or

8.  Charges for installation or set up, adjustment 

of customer controls, and installation or 
repair of systems outside the unit.

How do you get warranty service?

To obtain warranty service in the USA, please 
visit our website at or 
call 1 (800) 595-9511. In Canada, go to or call 1 (800) 267-7377.


: Before calling for service, please review 

the user’s manual - a check of the Product’s 
controls and features may save you a service call.
Except as provided by applicable law, you 
assume the risk of loss or damage during 
transit and transportation and are responsible 
for delivery or handling charges incurred in 
the transport of the Product(s) to the service 
location. VTech will return repaired or 

replaced Product under this limited warranty. 
Transportation, delivery or handling charges 
are prepaid. VTech assumes no risk for damage 
or loss of the Product in transit. If the Product 
failure is not covered by this limited warranty, or 
proof of purchase does not meet the terms of 
this limited warranty, VTech will notify you and 
will request that you authorize the cost of repair 
prior to any further repair activity. You must pay 
for the cost of repair and return shipping costs 
for the repair of Products that are not covered 
by this limited warranty.

What must you return with the Product to get 
warranty service?

1.  Return the entire original package and 

contents including the Product to the VTech 
service location along with a description of 
the malfunction or difficulty; and

2.  Include a “valid proof of purchase” (sales 

receipt) identifying the Product purchased 
(Product model) and the date of purchase or 
receipt; and

3.  Provide your name, complete and correct 

mailing address, and telephone number.

Other limitations

This warranty is the complete and exclusive 
agreement between you and VTech. 
It supersedes all other written or oral 
communications related to this Product. VTech 
provides no other warranties for this Product. 
The warranty exclusively describes all of VTech’s 
responsibilities regarding the Product. There 
are no other express warranties. No one is 
authorized to make modifications to this limited 
warranty and you should not rely on any such 
State/Provincial Law Rights: This warranty gives 
you specific legal rights, and you may also have 
other rights, which vary from state to state or 
province to province.
Limitations: Implied warranties, including 
those of fitness for a particular purpose and 
merchantability (an unwritten warranty that 
the Product is fit for ordinary use) are limited 
to one year from the date of purchase. Some 
states/provinces do not allow limitations on how 
long an implied warranty lasts, so the above 
limitation may not apply to you. In no event 
shall VTech be liable for any indirect, special, 
incidental, consequential, or similar damages 
(including, but not limited to lost profits or 
revenue, inability to use the Product or other 
associated equipment, the cost of substitute 

General product care

To keep this product working well and looking 

good, follow these guidelines:
•  Your emergency button has been tested in a 

controlled environment and certified to be 

water spray resistant in specific conditions 

(meet requirements of classification IPX4). 

Despite this classification, your device is not 

impervious to water damage in any situation.

•  To maintain the water spray resistant 

performance of the device, make sure the 

battery compartment cover is tightly closed.

•  Do not immerse the device in water and do 

not clean it under the tap.

•  Do not expose the device to salt water, 

ionized water, soapy water or water moving 

with force, such as ocean waves or waterfalls.

•  Avoid putting it near heating appliances and 

devices that generate electrical noise (for 

example, motors or fluorescent lamps).

•  DO NOT expose it to direct sunlight or moisture.
•  Avoid dropping the product or treating it 


•  Clean with a soft cloth.
•  DO NOT use cleaning spray or liquid cleaners.
•  Make sure the device is completely dry before 

connecting the battery.


When you are not going to use the emergency 

button for some time, remove the battery from 

the emergency button. Store them in a cool and 

dry place.

Frequently asked questions

Below is the question most frequently asked 

about the emergency button. If you cannot find 

the answer to your question in the below table, 

visit our website at



1 (800) 595-9511

 for customer service. In 

Canada, go to

 or call  

1 (800) 267-7377


equipment, and claims by third parties) 
resulting from the use of this Product. Some 
states/provinces do not allow the exclusion 
or limitation of incidental or consequential 
damages, so the above limitation or exclusion 
may not apply to you.

Please retain your original sales receipt as 

proof of purchase.

Technical specifications


Crystal controlled PLL 


1921.536-1928.448 MHz




Maximum power allowed by 
FCC and IC. Actual operating 
range may vary according to 
environmental conditions at the 
time of use.


Battery: CR123A Lithium battery, 
3V DC 1500mAh

Summary of Contents for CareLine SN7022

Page 1: ...Tech CareLine Wearable home SOS pendant for use with SN5127 SN5147 telephone system Go to www vtechphones com to register your product for enhanced warranty support and latest VTech product news User...

Page 2: ...ons on using the emergency button see the quick start guide or the online complete user s manual of your telephone base For support shopping and everything new at VTech visit our website at www vtechp...

Page 3: ...of the telephone base 2 Emergency key Press to enter emergency mode and automatically dial the emergency numbers preset in the telephone base 3 Slot for portable use 4 CANCEL PAIR Press to cancel emer...

Page 4: ...y button Install the battery Install battery Notes Use only supplied battery or equivalent If the emergency button will not be used for a long time disconnect and remove the battery to prevent possibl...

Page 5: ...ed to prevent water spray from penetrating Replace battery With average use your emergency button s battery should last approximately two years When the battery is low replace it with a new CR123A Lit...

Page 6: ...ering it to the telephone base Visit www vtechphones com for a list of ULE devices that are compatible with your CareLine telephone base SN5127 SN5147 To register an emergency button to the SN5127 tel...

Page 7: ...nds to complete the registration When the registration is successful the red LED lights on the emergency button turns off and the telephone base beeps and its visual ringer indicator light turns off I...

Page 8: ...SN5147 telephone base Install the batteries before registering it to the telephone base 1 When the telephone is not in use Press and hold at the telephone base for about five seconds until the visual...

Page 9: ...tton if any other system device is in use Replace an emergency button If you have purchased this new SN7022 accessory emergency button to replace an old one you must deregister the old emergency butto...

Page 10: The actual operating range may vary depending on the environmental conditions and other interferences such as walls doors and other obstructions Test the signal strength You can carry your emergenc...

Page 11: ...button s position to improve the signal Press SELECT and then repeat from step 2 to test again 7 When the handset screen displays GOOD press SELECT The testing is complete Portableuseofemergencybutton...

Page 12: ...s ocean waves or waterfalls Avoid putting it near heating appliances and devices that generate electrical noise for example motors or fluorescent lamps DO NOT expose it to direct sunlight or moisture...

Page 13: ...ings and instructions marked on the product 3 Use a dry non abrasive cloth for cleaning Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners 4 Do not use this product near water such as near a bath tub wash bowl kit...

Page 14: ...are covered by the operation instructions Improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage and often requires extensive work by an authorized technician to restore the product to normal ope...

Page 15: ...least six inches from the pacemaker Should NOT place wireless devices directly over the pacemaker such as in a breast pocket when it is turned ON WTR s evaluation did not identify any risk to bystand...

Page 16: ...CAN ICES 3 B NMB 3 B Industry Canada This device complies with Industry Canada licence exempt RSS standard s Operation is subject to the following two conditions 1 this device may not cause harmful in...

Page 17: ...compliance could void the user s authority to operate the equipment This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules Operation is subject to the following two conditions 1 this device may not cause...
