Filling The Machine
The first step in mixing a batch of hydroseed is filling the machine with water. Your
machine comes standard with a garden hose fill connection that is located at the top of
the tank. Thread the yellow female camlock connection to your garden hose and connect
it to the black male connection point.
Pond Suction Feature
Another way to fill your machine is with the optional Pond Suction Feature. This utilizes
the pump on the machine to self fill from a body of water or storage tank. A 15ft suction
hose with strainer basket is also available for purchase. See picture below LEFT for valve
configuration when using this feature.
Once the valves are in this configuration, submerse the end of the suction line in the
water. After the water has filled the suction hose, connect it to the 2” male camlock on
the suction side of the pump. Remove the plug in the top of the pump (See picture above
RIGHT) and fill it with water until full. Loosely install the plug and start the engine. With
the engine slightly above idle, allow the pump to purge all of the air from the hose. Once
the pump primes, tighten the top plug and throttle the engine up to fill the tank. Once the
tank is full, close the pond suction valve and open the tank valve.
NOTICE: Always use a strainer when drawing from a body of water to avoid drawing
debris into the pump and damaging the impeller!
When filling from a hydrant or auxiliary pump, leave the motor off and open the tank
valve to fill directly from the bottom of the tank.