© 2021 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-VP38-EN | Revision: 2100 | Date: 25-01-2021
Electrical scheme:
RS485 is a serial interface that can be used to connect to VPVision, remote monitoring software or a
building management system. The interface is standardized interface according to standard ANSI/
It is important to match the communication parameters. All devices using this serial interface need to
communicate using the same settings. Various settings are available to match any building
management system.
Communication settings
The RS485 communication settings can be changed with the key pads. Below options are available:
Baud rate: 9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 57600 | 115200
Stop bits: 1 | 2
Parity: None | Even | Odd
Factory default is: 38400, 1, none
The communication protocol is
Modbus RTU
. More information can be found in
The display enables you to read measurement data in real time. In combination with the keypad, it
can also be used to change the most common parameters.
The display provides 1, 2 or 3 rows for real time data. Each row can be configured in the menu by
selecting the desired parameter for this row.
The key pad contains 4 buttons to control the flow meter.
Menu / Enter
Used to enter the (sub)menu or to confirm a setting
Will return from a (sub)menu when not in the data acquisition screen
Button up
Navigate up in the menu
Button down
Navigate down in the menu