EM-350 / 48
Confirm the BIOS filename on the diskette matches the name on the manual.
To confirm the bios filename do a directory command on the A: drive (DIR A: /W
<return>) You should see a filename that matches the name on the disk label.
(ex: filename fem-350a.BIN)
Make a note of the filename with the .BIN extension.
Run the Award flash program AWARDFLASH.EXE
Type “ awardflash xxxxxxxx.bin /cc/sn/cp”
Ex: you want change to FEM-350B.BIN,” awardflash FEM-350B.bin)
Follow the on screen instructions and it will ask for the name of theBIOS file
(filename.bin)to program.Enter the entire filename and press Enter.The program
will ask you to confirm that you want to program the bios. press Enter.
Make sure when it is programming that you do not turn off or reset thecomputer or else
your bios will be damaged. You should see a progres sbar and the lower half of the
screen and then it will prompt you to reset.
You should be able to see new BIOS version display on the screen when you
reboot your system. Press <del> and setup your bios again.