EM-350 / 39
Standby Mode: Options are from “ 1 Min” to “ 1 Hour” and “ Disable” . The system
speed will change from turbo to slow and the video signal will be suspended, if no Power
Management events occur for a specified length of time. Full power function will
return when a Wake-Up event is detected.
HDD Power Down: Options are from “ 1 Min” . to “ 15 Min” . and “ Disable” . The IDE
hard drive will spin down if it is not accessed within a specified length of time.
MODEM Use IRQ: This field name interrupt request (IRQ) line assigned to the modem (if
any) on your system. Activity of the selected IRQ always awakens the system.
Throttle Duty Cycle: When the system enters Doze mode, the CPU clock runs only part
of the time. You may select the percent of time that the clock runs.
IRQ1~IRQ15: These fields are designed for selected peripherals, e.g. Keyboard, COM2,
COM1, LPT2, Floppy Drive, etc…
You can set it to either “ ON” or “ OFF” fields to
activate or deactivate these peripherals.
After you have made your selection in the POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP, press the
<ESC> key to go back to the main program screen.