Connection Plan: Pickup and separable living cabins:
Note: Not suitable for connectors of conventional camper trailers (exceeds maximum current)!
Plug-type Connector:
2-pole. The rating of the contacts must be 12 V/40 A!
Where available, the "D+" signal can be supplied from the vehicle via a 3
pole (auxiliary contact 12 V/<1 A).
"D+" Connection with 2-Pole Plug-type Connector:
The terminal "D+" at the charging converter is not used. Therefore, the unit operates with voltage control (see page
8), and the STARTER battery cannot be discharged (even at engine stop). Full converter capacity can only be achieved
with large cable cross-sections and constant high generator voltage, in order that the unit "receives" min. 13.3 V. Not
suitable for vehicles with intelligent generators (Euro 6).
The terminal "D+" is connected to "+IN". The unit starts working, once the plug-type connector had been inserted. At
least 11.7 V must be supplied to the unit ensuring the suitability for Euro 6 with intelligent generators and long cables.
WARNING: When the engine is stopped, the STARTER battery might be heavily loaded! This can be remedied by
means of a vehicle-sided cutoff relay (12 V/40 A) behind fuse 2, which is controlled automatically by "D+".
"D+" Connection with 3-Pole Plug-type Connector:
The terminal "D+" is connected to the vehicle-sided signal "D+" ensuring the suitability for Euro 6 with intelligent
generators and long cables, since only 11.7 V must be supplied to the unit. Discharge of the STARTER battery in case of
an engine stop is avoided. During mains charging of the BOARD battery, the recharging branch of the VCC 1212-30 for
charging/trickle charging of the vehicle's STARTER battery is active.