Team Orion Vortex Speed Controller
Advanced setup
While in normal operation mode, press and hold the setup button 3 seconds.
The ESC enters the advanced setup mode, indicated by the orange LED flashing
rapidly. Release the setup button. Press the setup button to cycle through the
various available parameters. To validate a different parameter, press the setup
button for 3 seconds. The values will be set and the controller will return to normal
operation mode. If the setup button is not pressed after modifying the parameter,
the modifications will not be saved and the controller will return to normal operation
mode after 10 seconds of inactivity. Only one parameter can be adjusted at a time.
To adjust another parameter, restart the procedure to re-enter advanced setup
mode.Always restart the ESC after saving a parameter modification.The optional
programming box ORI65020 allows faster modification of the parameters. Also extra
parameters settings are available when using the programming box.
Default settings
1. Battery: NiMH/NiCd
2. Brake: 60%
3. Drag Brake: 0%
4. Operation mode: Forward and Reverse
Adjustable parameters (from the ESC)
Parameter 1 - Battery type:
Use this parameter to select the battery type used to
power the car. The safety cut-off voltage system, informs the user of low battery
voltage, by briefly interrupting the power output to the motor. To prevent eventual
battery damage (3V/cell for LiPo batteries and 4.0V for NiMH/NiCd batteries), stop
running the car as soon as you feel this drop in power.
Parameter 2 - Brake:
This parameter adjusts the maximum amount of braking
which is applied when the brakes are used. You can use a lower value for rough or
slippery surfaces and a higher value for smooth and high-grip surfaces.
Parameter 3 - Drag brake:
Use this parameter to select if you want drag brake to
be applied when the throttle is returned to neutral position. This can improve the
feeling while driving the car and releasing the throttle.
Parameter 4 - Operation mode:
Use this parameter to adjust the controller for
forward only or forward and reverse operation.