Sync Crib Sensor Remote
You should only need to set up the connection
one time upon first use of your Sunny CS. If
for some reason the CSR loses its connection –
repeat these instructions.
Sunny CS must be powered On to sync
the CSR.
Place 2 AA
(included) into
CSR. Ensure the
screw is securely
Slide the switch to the On position. Flip over
the CSR and press the link button for 3-5
seconds. A green light on the front of Sunny
CS will begin to blink. While the green light
is blinking, release the link button. Press the
link button again to fully sync. Green light will
remain solid.
To keep your baby comfortable, use the wireless Crib Sensor Remote (CSR). The CSR will sense
the temperature at its location, up to 15 feet away from Sunny CS. On the control panel, the Actual
temperature will display the approximate temperature of the room at the location of the CSR.
Note: Due to product testing, your CSR may already be synced. If so, a solid green light will appear
on your Sunny CS once the CSR is powered On. If not, sync the CSR using the steps below.
Crib Sensor Remote
Link Button