3. When you take delivery of your Volvo
“Hey, Google, find a charging
Google can provide real-
time information and directions
to charging stations near you.
Long-distance route planning is
easy. On a long journey, or driving
around town, Google can do the
work for you. If you enter a
destination that is beyond the
range, Google will automatically build
charging stations into the route, so
there is no guesswork.
The ChargePoint in-car app makes
public charging even easier. From
the Google Play Store, download
the ChargePoint app and sync it to
your account.
Your car will recognize when you
need a charge and display a nearby
station. Simply follow the prompts
to initiate charging from within the
car. Unlock the station and start
your car will
communicate with the station and
administer the payment for you.
Features depicted may not be standard or available.
European specifications may be shown.
With your ChargePoint account, you can handle payment for ChargePoint-
branded chargers, as well as their partner networks, including EVGo and
Flo. For stations not on the ChargePoint network, simply follow payment
instructions provided on the station. Please be aware that out-of-network
fees may be incurred.
Please see
Section 4
of this Quick Guide for information on charging rates
and times.