The engine shut-down system will automatically derate or stop the engine when one or more
of the systems listed below reaches a critical stage:
High Coolant Temperature
Low Oil Pressure
Low Coolant Level
High Crankcase Pressure
High Diesel Particulate Filter Soot Level
Low DEF Fluid Level
When the shut-down is activated, the tell-tales come on and the buzzer is also activated.
From that time it will take 30 seconds before the engine shuts down. In this time period, find
a safe place to pull off of the road.
After the engine has been shut down by the system, the override will allow a restart of the
engine for 30 seconds. This is so the vehicle may be pulled off the road, if necessary. The
alarm will remain activated until repairs have been made to correct the problem.
The operator should not continually override the system as this can cause serious damage to
the vehicle's engine.