Diesel engines for US 2010 vehicles are
designed to operate only with ultra low
sulfur diesel (ULSD) fuel. Use of fuel
other than ULSD will reduce the efficiency
and durability of the engine, permanently
damage the advanced emission control
systems, reduce fuel economy and possibly
prevent the engine from running at all.
Manufacturer's warranties are likely to be
rendered void by usage of improper or
incorrect fuel, and usage of fuels other than
ULSD fuel in diesel-powered vehicles is
illegal and punishable with civil penalties.
Use of fuel additives to compensate for the
lower sulfur content is NOT recommended
by Volvo.
Fuel sold for use in diesel-powered engines for US 2010 vehicles may only contain a
maximum sulfur content of 0.0015% by weight. This was done to reduce particle emissions
in the exhaust.
Diesel Fuel Only Decal