V.T.E. S.r.l.
PAGURO 12500
This plug-in remote control panel provides the operator with all the necessary information and controls to use the generator.
The panel has START and STOP buttons, and LED proportional load indicator, a coolant/oil pressure warning light, a low
battery warning light, a fuel shut off solenoid light, and an hour-meter.
The load indicator is designed to avoid an excessive current draw from the generator due to many loads having been applied
at the same time. The indicator will begin to show the load after the first half of the required current is supplied, and it will
indicate that an acceptable load is being provided up to the point where all the LED’s except the last one are lit (5 green LED’s
are lit). If the last LED (red) becomes lit, it indicates an overload. The load that caused this red LED to light up must be
switched off to return the indicator to a normal position.
The oil pressure / coolant temperature warning light (red) lights up when either the oil pressure is too low or the engine is
overheated. The engine will shut down if it overheats or there is an oil pressure failure.
The fuel shutoff solenoid light (yellow) blinks when the START button is pushed and goes off after the engine starts. If it
continues to blink and the engine doesn’t start, it means the starting battery is too low.
The engine/generator “ON” light (green) will be lit during normal operation.
If the engine is not running and the shutoff solenoid is energized (yellow LED is blinking), the starting battery is
supplying unneeded power to the engine. Reset by pushing the STOP button.
If the YELLOW LED remains flashing when the set is running normally, it means that the internal battery charger protection
has tripped, so the starting battery is no longer connected to it. In that condition the automatic protection shut-off system is
not operative, so do not operate the set with the YELLOW light flashing.
Reset the device by pushing the button located on the side of the GREY box fitted on the set. The set can normally
when the YELLOW flashing LED is OFF and the GREEN on the opposite corner is ON.
If the START button is pushed by mistake while the engine is running, an electrical safety protects the starter motor by
preventing its solenoid from energizing.
For passing through small holes the remote control panel cable, the disconnection must be made panel side, opening the
back cover, and not plug side, that is welded.