Electrical system (110-125 Volt AC)
Your C am pm obile is eq u ipp e d with an electrical system that can
be connected to regular house current available at many cam p
In the left side panel of the vehicle, there is a three-prong hook
up receptacle (A). The 15 Am pere AC electric cord for this
purpose is standard equipm ent with your Cam pm obile.
On Canadian models, the outside electrical cord connection is
perm anently installed. To m ake the outside hook-up, pull the
cord out of the receptacle. Push the cord back into the recepta
cle before leaving the cam psite.
On the inside of the vehicle, in the kick panel of the cam per
seat/storage chest, next to the rear bench, are two three-prong
outlets and the circu it breaker with the master switch. These
outlets can only be used when connected to outside current and
for electrical appliances requiring 110-125 Volt.
In case of a short circu it or overload, the circuit breaker will
interrupt the pow er flow.
Eliminate cause of overload first by
unplugging appliances.
Then reset the circuit breaker by de
pressing the switch.
Two three-prong outlets for electric refrigeration are located on
the left side wall of the upper storage com partm ent in the sink
www.WestfaliaT3.info - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW Westfalia T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans